week 8: contemplative practices Flashcards
how are nurses wounded healers?
individuals are often led to specific profession such as nursing by desire to relieve the suffering of others after experiencing or witnessing traumatic events in their own lives
why are nurses wounded healers?
-we are taught tp empathize but are not taught ways to understand and deal with the suffering they encounter and absorb at work
- a nurses ability to effectively recover from personal trauma and to strive for wholeness may help to facilitate the healing of others
-holistic practice includes self-awareness, self-reflection, and spiritual exploration
what are the themes related to nurses roles as healers?
-healing is multidimensional
-healing is about caring connections and relationships
-healing involves nurse presence
-teaching is an important part of the healing role
why is self-care important to nurses?
for a nurse to effectively offer physical, psychological, and therapeutic presence requires tremendous attention to personal growth and self care
what is contemplation?
a third way of knowing that complements the rational and sensory
what are the benefits of contemplative practices?
-promotes a state of calm/centeredness
-helps develop greater empathy and communication skills
-improves focus and attention
-reduces stress/enhances creativity
-supports loving/compassionate life approach
what is C.A.M?
complementary and alternative healing modalities
-necessary to be an effective nurse healer
-important part of self-care
what are examples of complementary and alternative healing modalities?
-guided imagery
-music therapy
-relaxation therapeutic touch
what do the 2 roots of the tree of contemplation symbolize?
cultivating awareness and developing a stronger connection to god, the divine, or inner wisdom
what are the different groupings of practices?
what is stillness?
-quieting the mind
-centering: relaxed, yet focused state of mind
what is generative contemplative practice?
-lectio divina: diving reading- read, meditate, pray, contemplate
-loving: kindness meditation
what is creative contemplative practice?
-contemplative arts
what is activist contemplative practice?
-work and volunteering
-pilgrimage to where social justice issues are highlighted
-vigils and marching
-bearing witness: largely non-verbal, compassionate server to a particular moment or event
what is relational contemplative practice?
-council circle: gathered in a circle for a conversation about a specific topic
-deep listening
-story telling
what is movement contemplative practice?
-walking meditation
-labyrinth walking
-t’ai chi
what is ritual contemplative practice?
-ceremonies and rituals based in spiritual or cultural traditions
-establishing a sacred/personal space