week 13: nursing theories Flashcards
what is a theory?
-based on concepts and propositions that help to examine/explain the relationship between concepts
-offers descriptions, explanations, and predictions
-theories are dynamic
what is nursing theory in action?
-focuses attention on issues important to providing care
-creates knowledge unique to nursing, raises status of nursing profession
how does nursing theory impact nursing care?
nursing theory
what are the components of a theory?
what is the concept of the theory?
term or label that describes the phenomenon
what is the definition of the theory?
the definition of the theory conveys the general meaning of the concepts
what are the assumptions of the theory?
statements that describe concepts or connect 2 concepts and represent values, beliefs, or goals
what is the phenomenon of the theory?
-aspect of reality that can be consciously sensed or experienced
-can be empirical (experienced through senses) or abstract (not observable)
what is an example of an empirical phenomenon?
pain- experienced through senses
what is an example of an abstract phenomenon?
hope- not observable
what is the purpose of nursing theories?
to provide direction and guidance for:
-structuring professional nursing practice, education, and research
-differentiating the focus of nursing from other disciplines
what is the purpose of nursing theories in practice?
they are a guide for assessment, implementation, and evaluation of care
what is the purpose of nursing theories in education?
they provide a guide for design/decisions related to curriculum
what is the purpose of nursing theories in research?
they assist in generating new ideas, knowledge, and validate nursing practice
what are the types of nursing theories?
-grand theories
-middle range theories
-practice level theories
what is a grand theory?
-also known as conceptual models/conceptual frameworks
-focus on metaparadigm of nursing
-abstract; difficult to test
what is a middle range theory?
-less abstract; more concrete
-addresses specific phenomenon
-reflects practice
what is a practice level theory?
-narrow scope
-developed for specific nursing situations
how did the curriculum era impact the knowledge development in nursing? 1930’s
-nurses should study in order to learn how to nurse
how did the research era impact the knowledge development in nursing? 1950’s
acknowledged that research was the path to new nursing knowledge
how did the graduate education era impact the knowledge development in nursing? 1959 uwo
masters degree program in nursing emerged; courses in concept development or nursing theory began to emerge
how did the theory era impact the knowledge development in nursing? mid 1970’s
doctoral education in nursing began to emerge as nursing transitioned from being a vocation to being a profession
what does the nursing metaparadigm do?
it provides conceptual framework for nursing and links science, philosophy, and theory that is applied by the profession
what are the 4 parts of the nursing metaparadigm?
-person: an individual, family, or community
-health: a state of well-being or wellness as defined by client
-environment: a persons surroundings including internal and external (including family and friends)
-nursing: the attributes, characteristics, and actions of the nurse providing care on behalf of, or in conjunction with, the client
what are the major theoretical models?
-systems theories
-interactive theories
-simultaneity theories
what are systems theories?
-focus on the client and clients environment
-balance an stability through adaptation
what are interactive theories?
they focus on the nurse-patient relationship
what are simultaneity theories>
they focus on caring, respect, hope, trust, finding meaning in the experience, and the unity of mind, body, and spirit
what is the roy adaptation model?
-views the person as holistic, biopsychosocial being
-person is interacting with constantly changing environment
-person adapts to environment to cope
-goal of nursing is to promote positive adaptive responses
- is a system theory
what is peplau’s interpersonal relations theory?
focuses on therapeutic relationships between nurse and client instead of illness or disease
-interactive theory
what is j.watson’s theory of human caring
-care for the body is connected to unity of mind, body, and spirit
-nurses help client find meaning
-a connectedness between people and environments
-simultaneity theory
who is florence nightingale?
the founder pf modern nursing
what is the florence nightingale theory?
-focuses on the environment and its role in improving health
-healthy surroundings are vital for proper nursing care
-nursing utilizes environment to assist patient in their recovery
what are the 5 essential to the florence nightingale theory?
-pure air
-pure water
-efficient drainage
who is simone roach?
creator of the 6 C’s of caring
what are the 6 C’s of caring?
1.compassion: awareness of a relationship to all living creatures
2.competence: knowledge, skills, and experience to respond to professional responsibility
3.confidence: quality that fosters relationships
4.conscience: moral awareness
5.commitment: balance of one’s desires and obligations, the deliberate choice to act in accordance with them
6.comportment: considering others behaviour, attitude, appearance, dress, and language that communicate a caring presence
what is the 7th C in the 6 C’s of caring?
creativity: having a vision of how nursing care can be and making it better
what is the future of nursing theories?
-continue to evolve
-continue to develop knowledge