Week 8 Flashcards
Terror management theory predicts…
How we may respond when we are reminded of our own mortality
What is a theory?
an organized set of principles that can be used to explain observed phenomena
Theory DOES NOT cause behaviour
Social cues that something is funny when others are laughing is an example of…
informational social influence.
What is conformity?
Changing our behaviour as a result of real or imagined influence of other people.
People conform for many different reasons. Not inherently good or bad- it can be either.
What are social norms?
implicit or explicit rules of behaviours, values, and beliefs for group members
Failure to comply to social norms can lead to…
ridicule, punishment or exclusion.
What is normative social influence?
conforming in order to be liked and accepted by others.
What does normative social influence often lead to?
A) Public compliance
NOT private acceptance.
In relation to normative social influence, what is public compliance?
doing what others do or following other’s actions
What is private acceptance?
a genuine belieg that the copied thoughts, beliefs or actions are correct.
Ash line study: Conformity for social approval
7 confederates and 1 real participant seated around a table
asked the question: which comparison line matches the standard line?
What did the Asch Line study show?
People knew their behaviour was incorrect but did so anyway.
–> public compliance but not private acceptance.
How would results of the Asch line study be different if responses were private? (written instead of reported aloud)
People would show much less conformity.
Whether people conform to social influence depends on:
Strength, immediacy, and number of people in a group
In relation to social impact theory, what is strength?
how important the group is to you can influence whether you conform to social influence.