week 8 Flashcards
Social stratification
Individuals / groups are layered or ranked in society according to how many valued resources they posses
Stratification process
An ongoing process sorting people into layers, legitimated by cultural beliefs that justify inequality
Lower class-> working-> lower middle class -> upper middle class-> upper class
The Important of Stratification
Concept of stratification assumes that
- people are divided into ranked categories
- desired resources are unequally distributed
Each society determines how individuals are ranked depending on
History geographic location level of development
- political philosophy
- decisions of those in power
Social condition in which privileges opportunities and substained rewards are given to people in some positions in society but ? Others
-resources society values more are income,wealth, power, prestige
Money, wages, payment
Accumulated assets in form of valued goods
Ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will
Recognition, respect, admiration attached to social patterns
For sociologists
Power and it’s unequal distribution-stands at the heart of most social issues
-not everyone has the same level of affluence over the social institutions and policies that make up society
Culture capital
Knowledge and access to important info
Social capital
Networks w/others who have influenced
Individual qualities also influence cultural and social capital
Meso level stratification
Access to resources
-individual stays is shaped by access to resources and reinforces by the family through socialization
Macro level influences of strat.