week 7 the heart Flashcards
how many circuits does the cardiovascular system have?
2 - pulmonary and systemic
which system has the highest pressure
how many chambers does the heart have
4 - two atria 2 ventricles
which chamber is most muscular
left ventricle
why are the valves important
prevent backflow
what are the 3 layers of the heart walls
outer layer = epicardium (simple squamous epithlium + loose connective tissue + adipose layer)
middle layer = myocardium (cardiac muscle layer)
Inner layer = endocardium (simple squamous epithlium) smooth layer to minimise friction)
what are the cardiac muscles layer a combination of
99% contractile muscle cells
1% autorhythmic cells (generate action potential
what structure do the cardiac muscle cells have to allow them to contract simultaneously
gap junction which allows the ions to travel from cell to cell transmitting action potentials
what are autorhythmic cardiac muscle cells
have pace making potential
control influx of NA, efflux of K and CA influx
what are the pace making potentials (autorhythmic cells) of the different tissues/structures in the heart
SA node - 70-80
AV node - 40-60
bundle of his and Purkinje fibres - 20-40
what is the role of the heart conduction system
coordinate contraction of the heart chambers and when route/timing of action potentials
what are the 3 criteria of the spread of excitation through the heart must meet (EXAM IMPORTANT)
- each heart chamber must pump as a unit
- atria should contract together; ventricles should contract together
- atrial excitation and contraction must complete before ventricle contraction
what is the first sound of the heart contraction
closure of the AV valve
beginning of ventricular systole
what is the second sound of the heart contraction
closure of the semilunar valves
ventricular diastole
what is the cardiac cycle (EXAM IMPORTANT)
- ventricle and atrial diastole
- blood entering atrium AV opens passive and blood moves into ventricles passively - atrial contraction
- atrial pressure increases and ventricle volume increases until end diastole volume EDV - isovolumetric ventricular contraction
- ventriclar pressure is larger then atrial pressure = AV valve to close (1st sound)
- ventricular pressure is less less then aortic pressure = semi-lunar vallves to close - ventricular ejection
- pressure is greater in ventricles over aortic pressure
- semi lunar valves open
- ventrcular pressure decreases until end systolic pressure (ESV) - isovolumetric ventricular relaxtion
- semi lunar valves close (2nd sound)