Week 7 - personality Flashcards
what is the five factor model?
model that groups similar personality traits into groups
Openness - willing to experience new things (openness, willing)
Concientiousness - self-control, self-determined, thriving to do the best (hard working, reliable)
Extrovert - likes to socialise, go out to events, (extrovert, fun, socialiable, loud)
Agreeablness -
Neurotiscm - has self condfidence issues and greatly suffers from stress (anxtious, unconfident, stressed)
what is the dark triad?
The dark triad model is a model where undisirable personalities are grouped into three broad catagories
- psychopathy - have no remorse, dont think of others
- nariccism - thinks that they are better than everyone else, believes that they are always right
- machivallism: manipulative usually for personal gain, no remorse for others
How do the traits from the dark triad relate to the five factor model?
- psychopathy - higher openness, lower concientiousness, higher extrovert, lower agreeableness, lower neurotism
- narcissim - higher extrovert, lower neurotism, lower concientiousness, lower agreeableness
- machivallism - higher extrovert, lower neurotism, lower agreeableness,
what are the 10 broad value catagories in Schwartz model?
Benevolence - act of kindness, doing things for others - loyalty, helpfulness, forgiveness,
Universality - equality, unite, social-justice, world at peace, enviro protection
T- tradition - keeps things same from traditional ways, follows traditional rules
S- self-achievement - improve self,
Power - hierarchy, achievement, authority,
Self direction - choosing ones owns goals, curious, independence
Hedonism - engaging in pleasure leads to greater goods - pleasure, gratification of desires, self-enduldge
Achievement - ambition, self-capability, influence on poeple and events
Conformity - doing the same as everyone else - agreeableness, obidience, houroring parents and elders
Stimulation: exciting life, challening life
How can Schwartx model be used and be related to every day life?
Value categories and understanding peoples values are better predictors of political behaviours than personality traits
Life narratives is the third component that makes up personality. What is it?
internal story/perception of ones self
includes stories about our past present and future
How can Life narratives of an inidvisual be incorportated in an everyday setting?
used in psychotherapy
- knowing somebodies internal past, present and future stories can help repair the indivisuals problems
what are some issues with personality psychology with regards to context dependance and self-consistancy
- Context dependance: traits and values a person presents is different depending on the circumstance
- In P.P interpreted that personality should predict behaviour in ALL situations
- -» this is wrong - some extroverts might feel the need to get out/socialsie and vice versa
- Situations are more important in predicting personality than a trait is
- Self consistency
- Judgement of personality by others is different to judgement of yourself
- Peer peer ratings are more consistent than self-peer ratings