Week 7 Flashcards
What is the SP horary point?
SP 3
What is the SP Mother point (Tonification) ?
SP 2
What is the SP Son point (Sedation)?
SP 5
T/F There are 15 Luo Vessels?
T/F The Luo vessels run deeper than the Divergent channels?
False, the Divergent run deeper and go into the Zang Fu
T/F All Yin channels begin in the Feet and end in the chest?
T/F The ST channel begins at the eye?
False, the ST channel begins at L.I. 20
T/F The LU channel begins in the middle jiao
The L.I. channel begins on the ulnar side of the index finger?
False, Radial side
T/F The LU channel goes to the throat before going to LU 1?
T/F The ST Luo vessel goes to the throat & the nape of the neck?
True, ST 40 travels upward to THROAT & SPLITS to THROAT & NAPE of NECK
T/F The ST Divergent channel breaks off above the knee @ no specific point & passes upward through the ST, SP & HT then ends at Face?
T/F The ST regular channel goes back to DU 14?
The ST Tendino-muscular Channel starts at _______ (Jing Well), then goes up around eye & crosses with _______ & _______
ST 45, S.I. 18 & ST 3
How many Divergent Channels?
How many LUO vessels?
How many Regular channels?
How many Shu-Transporting (Antique-points/Elemental poins) are there altogether?
How many Cutaneous Regions?
How many tendino-muscular channels?
Tendino-muscular channels always begin at the _____________ & travel inward toward trunk. They cover broad areas & “knot” at the joints & large muscles.
_______ channels are responsible for carrying Wei Qi inward to protect the internal organs?
How many Yuan Source points?
How many Xi Cleft points?
LU _______ L.I. _______ & ST _____ are LUO points
LU 7, L.I. 6 & ST 40
LU 7 Luo point breaks off and goes to ______ __________
Thenar emminance
L.I. 6 Luo point breaks off and goes to _______ ______ & ________
Lower jaw & ear
ST 40 Luo point breaks off and goes to _______ and ______ of _______
throat & nape of neck
LU ______, L.I. _______ & ST _____ are Xi Cleft points
LU 6, L.I. 7 , & ST 34
LU ______, L.I. _______ & ST ______ are YUAN source points
LU 9, L.I. 4 & ST 42
On Yin Channels the YUAN source points are always located _______ ________ _________
3rd from Extremity (same as Shu-Stream_
On Yang Channel the YUAN source points are located ______ ______ __________, Except _____
4th from extremity, Except GB
On Yin channels the HE SEA points are always ___________ element
On Yang channels the HE SEA points are always _________ element
On Yin channels SHU STREAM points are always __________ element
On Yang channels SHU STREAM points are always __________ element
LU____, L.I._____ & ST ______ are all EARTH points
LU 9, L.I. 11 & ST 36
LU_____, L.I. ______ & ST_____ are all WOOD points
LU 11, L.I 3 & ST 43
The Lung horary point is LU _____
LU 8
The L.I Horary point is L.I. ______
L.I. 1
The ST Horary point is ST ____
ST 36
Name the 4 command points? What do they Command?
ST 36 - Abdomen, UB 40 - Back, LU 7 - Head & Neck, LI 4 Face & Mouth
ST 31-34 are all located on the line from the __________ to the ________ _________ border of the ___________
ST 36 is located ______ cun below ST 35, and one _________ ___________ to the anterior border of the _______________.
3 cun below ST 35, one FINGER BREADTH to the anterior border of the TIBIA.
ST 36 belongs to these two categories?
HE SEA & Command point of Abdomen
Which point on the ST channel is located 2 finger breadths lateral to the anterior border of the tibia?
ST 40
ST 40 belongs to which category?
ST 41 is located between the tendons ________ __________ __________ & ___________ ______________ _____________
Extensor Digitorum longus & Extensor Hallicus longus
ST 45 is located on the __________ side of the ________ toe
Lateral side of the 2nd toe
L.I. 20 is located at the midpoint of the _____-__________, in the ______________ groove
ala-nasi, in the Naso-labial groove
L.I. 5 is located between extensor __________ ___________ & __________ ___________ __________.
extensor pollicis longus & extensor pollicis brevis
L.I. 7 is ______ cun proximal to the transverse wrist crease
5 Cun (5 from 5)
The Front MU of the L.I. is located:
ST 25; 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus
The He Sea of the LU is located on the __________ side of the tendon _________ ________
Radial side of the tendon biceps brachii
LU 7 is the command point of the __________ & __________.
Head & Neck
LU 7 is located ______ cun proximal to the transverse wrist crease, proximal to the ________ _________ of the __________
1.5 Cun, proximal to Styloid process of the Radius
The Lower He Sea of the L.I. (ST 37) is located ______ cun below ST 35 and ___ _________________ lateral to the anterior border of the _________
6 Cun below; 1 FINGER BREADTH lateral to the anterior border of the TIBIA
Name 3 Host Guest combinations. What are they good for?
SP3 + ST 40 = SP QI Deficiency; LU9 +LI6 = Wind cold INTERIOR & LU7 + LI4 - Wind cold EXTERIOR
LI _____ + ST ______ make up the INNER 4 gate combo known to promote & strengthen digestion to tonify Qi & blood, Wei Syndrome
LI 10 + ST 36
DU _____ + LI _____ + LI ________ are best points for treating a fever
DU14 + LI 11 + LI4
LI _____ + ST _____ + Er Jian + GB ______ &/or ST ______ are best for treating high blood pressure
LI11 + ST9 + Er Jian + GB20 &/or ST 36
LV _____ & LI _____ are known as the 4 gates and treat ________ Qi Stagnation
LV 3+ LI4 - treat LIVER Qi Stagnation
ST _____ + Ren __/__ + LI _____ are points that support the immune system or consolidate the exterior. Protect us from allergies.
ST36 + Ren4/6 + LI 11
Exit point for the ST is ST____
ST 42
ST 44 is __________ from the _______________ phalangeal joint
Distal from METATARSAL phalangeal joint
The Lower He Sea of the S.I. (ST 39) is located ______ cun below ST 35 and ___ _________________ lateral to the anterior border of the _________
9 Cun below ST 35 & 1 Finger breadth away from the border of the Tibia
ST _____ is the Empirical point and is used for Frozen shoulder
ST 38
The measurement btwn the center of knee and the lateral malleolus is ______ cun
16 cun