Point Location - Cun measurements, ST Flashcards
location ST 1
with the eyes looking straight forward,
the point is directly below the pupil,
btwn the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge;
puncture perp.
fx ST 1
dispels wind and dissipates fire;
courses pathogens and brightens the eyes
ind. ST 1
facial paralysis, redness swelling
and pain of the eye, lacrimation,
night blindness, twitching of the eyelids
location ST 2
directly below the pupil
in the depression at the infraorbital foramen;
puncture perp
fx ST 2
courses wind and
quickens connecting vessels;
soothes the sinews and relieves pain
ind. ST 2
facial paralysis, facial pain, redness,
swelling and pain of the eye,
twitching of the eyelids
location ST 3
directly below the pupil,
at the level of the lower border of ala nasi,
on the lateral side of the nasolabial groove; puncture perp
fx ST 3
courses wind and
quickens connection vessels;
disperses swelling and relieves pain
ind. ST 3
deviated eye and mouth,
twitching of the eyelids,
nosebleed, toothache,
nasal congestion
location ST 4
lateral to the corner of the mouth,
directly below the pupil;
puncture toward ST6
fx ST 4
dispels wind, frees qi stagnation
ind. ST 4
deviation of the mouth, salivation,
twitching of the eyelids
location ST 5
anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border of the attached portion of m. masseter where the pulsation of facial artery is palpable, in the groove-like depression appearing when the cheek is bulged; puncture toward ST6
fx. ST 5
courses wind and
quickens connecting vessels
ind. ST 5
clenched jaws, deviated mouth,
swelling of the cheek, toothache
location ST 6
one finger breadth(mid finger) anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible where m. masseter is prominent
when the teeth are clenched,
and depressive when it is pressed;
puncture toward ST4
fx. ST 6
opens the haw and
frees the connecting vessels;
dispels wind and regulates qi
ind. ST 6
facial paralysis, swelling of the cheek and face, toothache, mumps, trismus
location ST 7
on the face, anterior to the ear, in the depression between the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch; located with mouth closed; puncture perp
fx. ST 7
courses wind and
quickens connecting vessels;
opens portals and sharpens hearing
ind. ST 7
facial paralysis and pain,
motor impairment of the jaw,
toothache, deafness,
tinnitus, otorrhea
location ST 8
on the lateral side of the head,
0.5cun above the anterior hairline
at the corner of the forehead,
and 4.5cun lateral to the midline of the head; puncture subcutaneous
fx. ST 8
dispels wind and discharges fire
(internal wind or fire);
relieves pain;
clears the head and brightens the eyes
ind. ST 8
headache, blurring of vision,
opthalmalgia, lacrimation
location ST 9
level with the tip of the Adams apple where the pulsation of common carotid artery is palpable, on the anterior border of m. SCM; puncture perp *avoid carotid artery
fx. ST 9
frees the channels and connecting vessels; regulates qi and blood;
clears heat and calms dyspnea
ind. ST 9
sore throat, goiter, asthma,
dizziness, flushing of the face
c/i ST 9
low blood pressure
ST 9 + L.I 11 + Er Jian + GB 20
regulate blood pressure
location ST 10
at the midpoint of the line
joining ST 9 and ST 11,
on the anterior border of m.SCM;
puncture perp *avoid carotid artery
fx. ST 10
rectifies lung qi and disinhibits the throat
ind. ST 10
sore, swollen throat, dyspnea
location ST 11
at the superior border of the sternal extremity of the clavicle, btwn the sternal head and clavicular head of m.SCM; puncture perp
fx. ST 11
courses qi and downbears counterflow
ind. ST 11
sore, swollen throat, dyspnea
location ST 12
in the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa, 4cun lateral to the anterior midline;
puncture perp
fx. ST 12
diffuses and downbears lung qi;
frees the channels and
quickens the network vessels;
regulates qi and blood
ind. ST 12
cough, dyspnea, sore throat,
pain in the supraclavicular fossa
c/i ST 12
deep insertion of needle
location of ST 13
at the lower border of the middle of the clavicle, 4cun lateral to the anterior midline; puncture perp
fx. ST 13
clears heat and loosens the chest
ind. ST 13
dyspnea, cough, distention and fullness in the chest
location ST 14
in the 1st intercostal space, 4cun lateral to the anterior midline; puncture oblique
fx. ST 14
rectifies qi and loosens the chest
ind. of ST 14
pain and distention in the chest and rib-side, cough
location ST 15
in the 2nd intercostal space, 4cun lateral to the anterior midline; puncture oblique
fx. ST 15
courses wind and relieves pain
ind. ST 15
cough, dyspnea, pain and distention in the chest
location ST 16
in the 3rd intercostal space, 4cun anterior to the midline; puncture oblique
fx ST 16
clears heat and resolves depression; relieves pain and disperses swelling
ind. ST 16
fullness and pain in the chest and costal region, cough, asthma, mastitis
location ST 17
in the 4th intercostal space, in the center of the nipple, 4cun lateral to the anterior midline
c/i ST 17
needling or moxa
location ST 18
on the chest, directly below the nipple, on the lower border of the breast, in the 5th intercostal space, 4cun lateral to the anterior midline; puncture oblique
fx. ST 18
diffuses the network vessels of the breast; quickens the blood and transforms depression [both helps lactation]
ind ST 18
cough, dyspnea, mammary abscess, insufficient lactation, pain in the chest
location ST 19
6 cun above the umbilicus, 2cun lateral to Ren 14; puncture perp
fx. ST 19
regulates the center and harmonizes the stomach
ind ST 19
abdominal distention, vomiting, pain in the stomach, poor appetite
location ST 20
5cun above the umbilicus, 2cun lateral to Ren 13; puncture perp
fx. ST 20
harmonizes the stomach and rectifies the qi
ind ST 20
stomach pain, abdominal distention, vomiting, poor appetite
Front Mu of ST
Ren 12
Ren 12
popular to move stagnation and to clear stomach heat
location ST 21
4cun above the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 12;
puncture perp
fx ST 21
regulates center qi;
harmonizes the stomach and intestines;
transforms accumulation and stagnation;
fortifies the spleen
ind ST 21
abdominal distention, gastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea
location ST 22
3 cun above the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 11;
puncture perp
fx ST 22
regulates the stomach and intestines
ind ST 22
abdominal pain and distention,
borborygmus, diarrhea,
anorexia, water swelling
location ST 23
2cun above the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 10;
puncture perp
fx. ST 23
clears the heart and quiets the spirit
(disturbed spirit from stomach fire);
fortifies the spleen and harmonizes the center
ind ST 23
mania and withdrawl, vexaion,
stomach pain, indigestion
location ST 24
1cun above the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 9;
puncture perp
fx ST 24
quiets the spirit and stabilized the mind
(unstable mind from heat);
regulates and harmonizes the stomach
and intestines
ind ST 24
mania, withdrawal, stomach pain, vomiting
Front Mu of the L.I.
ST 25
location ST 25
2cun lateral to the center of the umbilicus;
obrder at middle and lower jiao;
puncture perp/ moxa
fx ST 25
rectifies the lower jiao;
warms the womb
ind ST 25
pain around the umbilicus,
abdominal pain and distention,
borborygmus, constipation, diarrhea,
edema, irregular menstruation
location ST 26
1cun below the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 7;
puncture perp
fx ST 25
dissipates cold, relieves pain, rectifies qi
ind ST 25
abdominal pain, hernia
location ST 27
2cun below the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 5;
puncture perp
fx ST 27
supplements kidney and boosts qi;
invigorates yang
ind ST 27
lower abdominal distention and fullness,
inhibited urination, hernia,
seminal emission, premature ejaculation
location ST 28
3cun below the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 4;
puncture perp
fx ST 28
clears damp heat and
disinhibits(opens up) lower jiao
ind ST 28
lower abdominal distention, retention of urine,
edema, hernia, dysmenorrhea, sterility
location ST 29
4cun below the umbilicus,
2cun later to Ren 3;
puncture perp
fx ST 29
rectifies the lower jiao,
warms the womb– infertility
ind ST 29
leukorrhea, prolapse of the uterus,
regulates menses
location ST 30
5cun below the umbilicus,
2cun lateral to Ren 2;
puncture perp
fx ST 30
soothes the liver and boosts the kidney;
regulates menstruation and promotes fertility
ind ST 30
abdominal pain hernia, impotence,
menstrual irregularity, infertility