Week 7 Flashcards
There is only one race (human), there are no biological/scientific concepts of race. It is skin deep
Race is a social construct; a historical perspective will find that throughout time and in different cultures, race is defined differently
Focus on skin color is informed by slave trade
Race = inherited physical characteristics that are passed down. How humans have adapted to particular environments (diet, metabolism, protection from sun etc)
Cultural equivalent to race
Objective = Share language, food, music, clothing, ancestry, religion
Ethnicity: Cultural Heritage
Subjective = how the individual identifies with the objective criteria. Invisible, its internal/matter of the individual
Ethnicity: Cultural Heritage
Racism is part of every aspect of our society. It’s not just an individual insulting another person on their race, but society is built on racism
Institutional/Structural racism
People who are not part of the dominant social group
Minority status
Situational; Fewer in privileges, not fewer in number (ex being a white person in toronto is statistically minority, but white people do not have minority status)
Minority status
fixed idea about who someone else is. Idea is applied to anyone who falls into the category. What you think of another group.
Negative, pre-judgment of another group or person
What you feel about other people.
Actions that create and perpetuate negative stereotypes and prejudices
Situations that are defined as real become real in their consequences
Thomas Theorem
Stage 1: Prejudice and discrimination
Thomas Theorem: Prejudice cycle
Stage 2: Social disadvantage
Thomas Theorem: Prejudice cycle
Stage 3: Belief in minority’s innate inferiority
Thomas Theorem: Prejudice cycle
Fashion has served in the modern period as a way to create cultural dominance for europeans and their descendants
Ethnic Identity and Patterns of Social Interaction
Ethnic dress is bound by tradition; stays the same.
Ethnic Identity and Patterns of Social Interaction
Western dress is a product of the patriarchy
Ethnic Identity and Patterns of Social Interaction
Ethnic identity is a total community and identity: as an individual, you conform and if you don’t, you’re shunned and expelled (ex Hasidic community)
Lived ethnic identity
Social expectations are already inscribed
Lived ethnic identity
Part-time, involuntary, (ex German going to German Fest).
Situational Ethnic Identity
People of color can’t have situational ethnic identity; visible differences makes you part of a group whether you want it to or not
Situational Ethnic Identity
Combination of two ethnic identities
Hybrid Ethnic Identity
Diaspora; people who are separated from their ancestral group
Tension, as they never truly belong to one group
Hybrid Ethnic Identity
Theory that developed to critique the structure of power in american society and how it has perpetuated racism
Critical Race Theory
Purpose is to make visible the everyday microaggressions through 6 tenants
Critical Race Theory
Make visible the privilege and opportunities white people have in society, unearned advantages white people have
White Privilege
Postcultural society is beyond culture; ethnicity plays no role. May be the case for many white people
Exnomination; culture becomes invisible, unable to be named (Roland Barthes). Something has become so normalized, it’s invisible.
Navajo sued Marc Jacobs for appropriating Navajo designs; Navajo peoples have never won a lawsuit, as design is not covered by legalities
Issues of Ethnicity & Race in Fashion Marketing & Design
‘Other’ comes from post colonial theory
Opposite of white european
Europeans are modest and conservative in terms of sexuality, others are thought to be expressive in their sexuality. Europeans are hardworking, the other is based on old systems of caste or imperial ruling, and are lazy
Stigma allure of the other
Fascination with non-western societies and cultures
A fantasy that is within reach.
Break out of cultural norms through inspiration provided by the other
Fascination with the exotic and luxury; eg silks from India and China, printed fabrics from Indonesia
original reworking of the source of the inspiration, putting together of many sources to make an innovative and original fashion (eg YSL Russian collection)
Non western designers’ work is viewed through the lens as other/ through the lens of their ethnicity (eg Yohji Yamamoto, Issey Miyaki, Rei Kawakubo)
Creates a process that racializes the wearer and designers; what bodies wear these garments? Eg Gucci tribal collection originally shown on runway with white models; in media, only black models wore the clothing on magazine covers
Who can borrow without penalty? Only recently has cultural appropriation been recognized as a problem; historically, there has not been legal or ethical protection
Cultural Appropriation
Not understanding one is in a position of power where they are able to take without asking
White privilege
applies to the judiciary system in the US. Policy enacted after the civil rights movement. The way to stop discrimination based on race is to stop recognizing ethnicity or race. If we don’t see race/ethnicity, does it not exist?
Color Blindness