Week 7 Flashcards
What are digital natives
People who grew up with techonolgy
What are the impilications and conseqeunces of vast selection
Bewildering and confusing process
Quality of information varries dramaticaly from site to site
Credible to unreliable
Helpful to harmful
Informative to misleading
What is some things to remeber about distingusihing between the good and poor sites
Authenticate information
No guarantees regarding the intetnion or credibility of those who post
Harmfully misleading or actively encourage self-destructive behaviour
What are the benefits of the intrent in regards to healthcare information
Fast accessible and realtively cheap
Professionals and healthcare consumers
Potential for empowering mental health sevice user
Up to date information
What is the intrent largely dependt on
The naature of the person acessing information
Critical thinking
Health literacy
eHEalth literacy
When does the intrent date back to
1960 and the development of pacjet swtiching technolgoy
What was the inrerent used for at the start
Military communication
Just four networked computers
Bossted by the development of a hyper-txt link
What does canada have for regualtion
Online harms act june 2023 adress various serious issues effecting young people in particualr hold accountable
What does United Kingdom have
Ofcom october 26 2023
What does China have
Great firewall 1998
What does the USA have
It is up to the state
What is some things to consider when trying to regulate the intrent
Internationaly interconnected computers
Not owend by a single body
Sizeable degree of opstion freedom of speeh
Banned in one contruy can be distruubted to somewehre else
What is MedCIRCLE and MedCERTIAN
Complementary semantic web projects with the overall objectives of developing and promoting technolgies able to guise health and mental service-users to trustworhty information on the intrent
Service user filter online material more effectively
Psoitevly select high quality health information
What is HON
Swiss health on the NEt foundation
Allows for the provisions of authoritative trustworthy web=based medical information
Helps standardised the relilablity of medical and health information avialble on the web
Voulntary rules to help a website prcatice respobnsible self-regulation and make sure a service-user always know the source and the purpose of the infor
When did the HON code come out
1996 July
What are the 8 guidelines for HON
Transparency of authrotship
Transpearcency of sponosrhip
Honesty in adversting and editorial policy
What data base does Canada have for mental health material
Mental health commisioin of canada
What does UK have for data base mental health
National electronic library for health
Center for evidence based mental health
What does the US have or the gold standard
National Institue of Mental Health