Week 4 Flashcards
What is the definition of positive
Regarded as relating to portrayals that challenge traditional stigmatizing and sterotypical associations that educate and inform the reciever
What is the interpertation could be
Sensitive and supportion or patronizing and unhelpful
Shaped by an individuals particular predisposition
Why not all dramatic sterotypical representations is bad
High level of exposure
Raise awarness if supported by subsequent discussion and processing of issues
Provision of information and contact details
What is the definition of mentally well
Refers to those in the general population who deem themselves to be at the present time without mental health problems
What is important when protraying the mentally ill
Accuracy sensitivity and likeability
Growing recognition of service-users voice
More realistic and accurate picture of lived and felt experience
Normalising mental illness
Breaks down the us and them barrier
Absence of negative reinforce
Why is it benefical for mentally well
Education potential to provide recipents with desired information coping with anxiety and fear
What did ludwig find
Eminent people in creative professions found them to have higher rates of mental illness than those in the general population
What was the criticism by schlesinger
Desire for a link between madness and creativity is in part generated through the idea that great talent coming from special suffering is romantic and thrilling
Whats good about film
Caring treatment
Positive role models
Whats good about television
Vicarious therapy
Whats good about literature
Inside looking out
Whats good about the press
Whats good about the intrent
What are role models
People who share their distress and conflicts within a public area and thereby remove some of the stigma attached
Who does role models include
Well known people and non celebrities
What did bandura come up with
Social learning theory learning can take place through observing another person modelling certain behaviours
What does social learning theory do
Generate hope and inspiration
Offer raised level of understanding and acceptance
Granting of permission for others to talk about their own experience
What does changing peoples attidues towards more accomadting and understanding approcah requires what
What is one problem facing those involved in mental health promotion
Getting their material noticed
How can you support education through workshops
Discussion and engagement
Change in attitude
Raising awareness and improving understanding
How do you promote mental health through exposure
Certain media channles gain high exposure rates and would be ideal for vehicles of positive mental health messages
A degree of exopsure is necessary to help positive imagery stand out and be notices
What are barriers to tradditional media
Cost effectivness
Available space