Week 1 Flashcards
What is the tripartite relationship between
Indviduals/ Society
Mental health issues
What is society primarily concered with
Set of relationships between its members
What is society
Collective entity or broken down into separate compentes contating individuals or groups
How should individuals be seen
Dynamic and influential components
What are numerous sub-groupings or sets that represent differing values and beliefs
Family, Schooling, lesiure activity, relgion, employment, poltical affilation, health care
Do individuals hold mutiple roles
What is the difference between social and personal idenity
Social is who you surround yourself with or if you isolate you are interacating with social meida where personal identity is what makes you unique they could be in conflict or aligned
What is mental
Can have positve or negative connotations depending on the context of its use
What do we think of people whohave mental health problems
Held in fear and are unpredicatble and can not care for themselves
What is the media
Means of communication by organisations or individuals with a targetd audience transmitted through several communicating channels, entertainment, education, science tech
What is mass media
Potential to reach large numbers of people
What is happening with new media
Audience as a mass entity is becoming fragmented
What is societys relationship with mental health
Exceedingly complex
Contact may be close or distant informed or misinformed personal or professional
We understand and react to those experience mental health problems as a conseqeunce of what we know and how we feel
What is personal experience
Ones own direct experience as a mental service uses or as a carer to family and friends
What are advantages of personal experience
Usually more informed and sensitive towards mental health issues
Greater sense of authority and credibility
Range of experiences falling somewhere along acontinuum - wide range of differing perspectives
Who has professional experience
Professional qualifacation and all allied heath care support personnel
Is there an overlap between those with personal expiernece and professional experience
What is the culture of paternalisms
Critics aruge that this approach reduces personal choice and freedom
What is contranst
Clinical approaches that foster family involvement client centerd work and collaborative working relationships
Who are victims of mentally ill
All those who feel themselves to be victims of those who are regarded as mentally ill irrespective of what the reality of the situation actually is
Includes individuals who have felt intimidated or uncomfortable
What is victim
Ranges from actual experiences of abuse to feelings of insecurity or discomfort
What are negative reinforcements for mentally ill
Rejection and alienation felt form the general public, relegation of roles or one’s position within the family; or an abusive or disempowering experience with health care
What is individuals behaviour is shaped by
Also maintained by consequences either strengthend or weakened
Feelings of victimisation are exacerbated by what
Heightened by jargonistic and abusive terminology used in society and the media
Who are the inexprienced
With little direct involvement or experience
Awarness and education about mental health is gather mostly
Second hand
Does experience of one specefic mental health state mean that indivudal will be more tuned into the experience of other
What is social learning theory
Theory that explains how people learn new behaviours by observing and imitating others
Do media professionals accept the responsibility
No they reject the notion that they are responsible for the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes, claiming that they merely mirror the values and beliefs of society
What are media organisations made up of
Individuals who belong to the same subgroups in society and will clearly differ in their attitudes and feelings towards the mentally ill
What is commercialism
Madness sells
What are connectors and what tatic applied to
We are drawn towards certain areas of understanding and experience
More empathetic relationships can be fostered
Inside looking out- audience invited to enter the inner world of somebody with mental illness
What are distancers
Emphasis for the audience is upon entertaining shoking, exciting
Messages are not handled with care
mentally ill are presented as violent figures or likeable and eccentric