Lecture 3 Flashcards
What are the most stigmisted condtions
Mental illness and mental ill health
What is stigma
A mark of disgrace or infamy; a sign of severe censure of condemmnation regarded as impressed on a person or thing a brand
What is cooleys looking glass
How you see yourself and how you think others see you
Stresses that ones identity and views of onself is built primarily as a result of how others act and respond towards us
What is Goffmans suprious interaciton
Use of diagonstic labels having profoundly negative effects on the very behavior of a patient and you will behave in a way that reflect that label espiclaly if you are given more than one
Why do we stigmatise
Phsyicological reassrence
lack of consumer feedback
What is broadbents filter theory
A theory of attention that people filter out simuli based on their physical properties such as color pitch or direction
What is societal scapegoating
Social phenomenon where a majority group blames an innocent minority group for their own fialure or frustrations
What is the cycle of negative stigma
If they have not a great idea about themselves so what they hear reinforces stigma and negative sterotypes
Internal shame comes from ourselves but is being reinforced externally so it is a feedback loop
What are the three types of felt stigma
External shame
Internal shame
Cycle of diadvantage
What in enacted stigma
Objectify and distance those with mental illness from society seperating two groups
What is social exclusion unit
Initiated to tackle barriers to opportunity faced by adults with mental health problems
What are moral panics
Creating world panics around the homless population highlighting theft and crim for poltical gain things like that
What is courtesy stigma
Effects familes friends and caretakers and the famiy becomes stigamtized as a result
What else can courtesy stigma encompasse
Those treating the mentally ill
Whats bad about film
Mentally ill as killer
What is bad about TV
Dramativ licence
What is bad about the intrent
Information overload
Confusion or harmful material
Whats bad about the press
What is bad about the literature
Destruciveness to self
Destructiveness to others
What are negative represenation of mental illness
Mentally ill as a breed apart (easily identifible look differnt)
Language and terminology
Pictures of perfection
Associated predjucide - can be heightend when mental illness is linked with other marginalised groups
How to tackle stigma
Contact ( getting out and unlearning things)