Week 6 - Brain blood flow and exercise Flashcards
Blood flow to the brain
Vital for survival, Brain only 2-3% of body mass however requires 20% of cardiac output, Stroke will occur by over or under perfusion
Functional consequences of brain blood flow
- Performance
- Cognitive function
- Impairment linked with disease/conditions
- Prognistic value
Aerobic fitness and brain flow
Habitual exercise offsets the natural age-related decline in brain blood flow
Brain blood flow decreases as age increases due to inactivity
Measurement of brain blood flow
MRI (structure and functional) Doppler, NIRS
Transcranial doppler
Measures blood velocity as an index of flow
Near infared spectroscopy
Measures the balance of oxygen supply and oxygen demand at a capilary level in cerebral cortex tissue
Gives a measure of brain activation - neurovascular coupling
Brain blood flow responsiveness to CO2
Brain blood flow is highly sensitive to changes in arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide
Even when perfusion pressure is increased
What happens if you hold petco2 constant
Brain blood flow continues to rise as exercise intensity increases
How does exercise in water impact brain blood flow
Exercise on water increases brain blood flow compared to on land.
In water, same increase from running on land to walking on land has same impact on increasing brain blood flow
Increased hydrostatic pressure = increased venous return