Week 3 - Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
What helps with Regulation of stroke volume
- End diastolic volume
- Average aortic blood pressure
- Strength of the ventricular contraction
Explain the frank starling mechanism
greater end diastolic volume results in a more forceful contraction (due to stretch of ventricles)
Factors involved in regulation of venous return
Venoconstriction - via SNS
Skeletal muscle pump
Respiratory pump - changes in thoracic pressure pulls blood towards heart
How does the ANS control exercise HR
Low resting due to parasympathetic tone
Increase in HR at onset of exercise - intial increase due to paraympathetic withdrawal, later increase due to increased SNS outflow
What are the factors than regulate cardiac output
Cardiac output = cardiac rate x stroke volume
Factors effecting cardiac rate:
- Parasympathetic nerves
- Sympathetic nerves
factors effecting stroke volume:
- Mean arterial pressure
- End diastolic volume
- Contraction strength
What is systolic pressure
Pressure generated during ventricular contraction
What is diastolic pressure
Pressure in the arteries during cardiac relaxation
What is pulse pressure
Difference between systolic and diastolic
What is mean arterial pressure
Average pressure in arteries
What are factors that influence arterial blood pressure
Cardiac output
Total Vascular Resistance
Mean arterial pressure = cardiac output x total vascular resistance
What are the short term regulation factors in arterial blood pressure
Sympathetic nervous system
Baroreceptors in aortta and carotid arteries, increase in BP = decrease SNS activity
Decrease in BP = increase SNS activity
What are the long term regulation factors than influence arterial blood pressure
Kidneys via control of blood volume
What are the changes in cardiovascular variables during exercise
Increased metabolic need for o2, blood flow delivery to exercsing skeletal muscle is increased via increase cardiac output and a redistribution of blood flow from inactive organs to working skeletal muscle
Cardiac output increase during exercise is directly proportional to metabolic rte required to perform the exercise
What are the circulatory responses to exercise dependent on
Depend on:
Type, intensity and duration of exercise
Environmental conditions
Emotional influence pre-exercise and during submaximal exercise due to increase SNS activity
What is the transition from rest to exercise and exercise to recovery in relation to ANS
At onset of exercise:
Rapid increase in HR, SV, cardiac output
Plateau in submaximal exercise
During recovery:
Decrease in HR, SV and cardiac output towards resting levels
Depends on:
Duration and intensity of exercise
Training state of subject
What are the effects of incremental exercise
HR and cardiac output:
Increase linearly with increasing work rate
Reaches plateau at 100% vo2 max
Blood pressure:
Mean arterial pressure increases linearly, systolic BP increases, diastolic BP remains fairly constant
What are the effects of intermittent exercise
Heavy intensity intermittent exercise:
near maximal HR values are possible
Whats the recovery of HR and BP between bouts dependent on
Fitness level
Temperature and humidity
Duration and intensity of exercise
Whats the effects of prolonged exercise at a constant work rate
Cardiac iutput is maintained:
gradual decrease in stroke volume
Due to dehydration and reduced plasma volume
Gradual increase in HR during prolonged exercise. Cardiovascular drift