WEEK 6 Flashcards
What are descriptive statistics?
Statistics that describe the data’
What types of statistics are descriptive statistics?
Standard deviation
What are inferential statistics?
Statistics tests that make inferences about data
What is distribution?
A distribution of data is basically a representation of data as a whole
What is the bell curve?
The shape of normal distribution
In a normal distribution, what happens to the averages?
Mean, mode, median are the same
What 2 things can happen to a curve of data?
- Become skewed
- Become kurtosis
What How does distribution become skewed?
When data is not symmetrical around the mean
If fhe data is skewed, what does the data have to be?
above 1 or -1
What is kurtosis?
Describes the pointyness of the distribution
What is platykurtic?
When distribution is flat or short
What is leptokurtic?
When distribution is tall and thin
What is a test statistic?
A statistic that summarises the data
How do we obtain test statistics?
Through inferential stats
What are common test stats?
F and T tests
What is null hypothesis statistical testing?
Statistical tests done to see whether which hypothesis we should reject and accept
What approaches are NHST based on?
- Fisher’s work- use of pfobability to test null hypothesis
- Reyman and Pearson- testing a null hypothesis against an alternative hypothesis
What are different ways to express probability?
Usually done between 0 to 1
What is probability distribution?
The probability is represented through graphs to show the distribution of data
What is alpha level’?
The rule in psychology that probability is less than 5%
P< 0.005
When is data statistically significant?
When the probability is less than the alpha level