Week 6 Flashcards
Unlike a mallet finger presentation, the jersey finger presents with the loss of?
Loss of DIP flexion
Flexor tendon injury of the finger is also referred to as?
Jersey Finger
Flexor tendon injury of the finger results from?
From a forceful hyperextension of the DIP joint with the FDP in maximal contraction
Where is the insertion site for the flexor Digitorum profundus?
Inserts into the distal phalanx
Tendon rupture most commonly occurs at its bony insertion site
The flexor Digitorum profundus is the primary flexor of the?
Flexor for the index, middle, ring, and small fingers
The Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury is also referred to as?
Gamekeeper’s thumb
Skier’s thumb
True or False
The Ulnar Collateral ligament (UCL) of the thumb supplies structural lateral support of the thumb for fine motor functional activities and weight bearing tasks
What is the most common mechanism of injury for the ulnar collateral ligament injur?
A severe, sudden valgus force placed on the already abducted thumb is the most common mechanism of injury
The ulnar collateral ligament typically ruptured where?
At its distal insertion site into the base of the proximal phalanx
This injury is common in sports involving grasping activities such as football, wrestling, and skiing
What Orthoses that encases the IP and MP joints with the thumb in slight adduction?
Thumb spica Orthosis
Approximately how long do wear the thumb spica?
6-10 weeks