Week 3 Flashcards
Cutaneous inner actions refer to areas innervated by specific peripheral nerves which can contain fibers from ________spinal nerve roots
Multiple spinal nerve roots
An area of skin which is innervated by a single spinal nerve?
True or false?
Vast majority of patients with plexus injuries are otherwise healthy unless disabled by pain, generally remain active and are able to carry out ADL’s with the use of one hand?
What Are the biomechanical principles?
To prevent deformity
To correct deformity
Position limb to obtain maximal function
5 degrees of supination
What are some patient considerations?
~Most patients Re independent with one hand but bilateral activities should be facilitated
~Device shouldn’t interfere with remains ability
~Device needs to allow independent donning/doffing
~Cost must be considered vs. length of use & potential for benefit
Axillary nerve injury is the loss of active __________________
Sensory loss on lateral side of proximal arm
Shoulder abduction and flexion
Orthotic assistance is limited to functional arm support to decrease gravitational pull on the Glenohumeral joint- deltoid and teres minor for what nerve injury?
Axillary nerve injury
Due to loss of biceps and brachialis, the patient loses all useful elbow flexor strength and can be compensated if the pronator teres and brachii radialis are well contained is what nerve lesion injury?
Musculocutaneous Nerve lesion
Radial nerve lesion is also known as?
Wrist drop - loss of extensor muscles
What are the three levels of radial nerve lesion?
Below the elbow
Axillary level
The finger and thumb Extensors and long thumb abductor loses motor function is what level of radial nerve lesion?
Below the elbow
What orthotic treatment is recommended for radial nerve lesion below the elbow?
With IP extension assist (MP extension stop if patient becomes hyper mobile at MP joint)
Wrist extensor paralysis is added to the absence of finger and wrist extensor control which greatly affects grasp and pinch coordination because the finger Flexors cannot contract sufficiently to maintain grasp is what level of radial nerve lesion?
Radial nerve lesion mid humerus
What is the orthotic treatment recommendation for radial nerve lesion mid humerus?
Static control at the wrist to counteract the effects of gravity and pull of the finger Flexors as they contract
Static WHO
In addition to wrist and hand Extensors, when the lesion occurs at the axillary level, the triceps motor function becomes affected is what level of radial nerve lesion?
Radial nerve lesion axillary level
What are the most common mechanisms of injury for radial nerve lesion -axillary level?
Poorly fit crutches
Falling asleep with arm over a chair -Saturday night palsy
What are the ulnar nerve lesion levels of involvement?
Elbow or above
Absent intrinsic muscle action in the ring and little finger and sensory loss of palmar and dorsal aspect of 5th digit and 1/2 of 4th digit is what level of ulnar nerve lesion?
What is the common mechanism of injury for a ulnar nerve injury -wrist?
Is a cut horizontally at the wrist -suicide attempt
Claw hand or ulnar palsy is also referred to as?
An intrinsic minus hand
Volkmann’s ischemic contracture occurs when?
There is a lack of blood flow (ischemia) to the forearm
For ulnar nerve lesion-wrist the claw hand position of the fingers can be readily corrected with an?
Orthotic MP extension stop
The flexor Digitorum profundus muscle (of the 4th and 5th fingers) loses motor function, in addition to the intrinsic hand muscles is what ulnar nerve injury level?
Elbow and above
Due to paralysis of the flexor carpi ulnaris, the hand will deviate________ during radiocarpal flexion?
What is the most common mechanism of injury for a ulnar nerve injury of elbow or abov?
Fracture of the medial epicondyle of the humerus
What are the two sites of median nerve lesion injury involvement?
Elbow or above
The __________________ is the absolute pathway for all sensory fibers from critical areas, which also includes the radial side of the index finger
Median nerve lesion
The median nerve motor supply include what muscles?
The thumb intrinsic muscles and the extrinsic Flexors of the thumb, index and middle finger
Only the thumb intrinsics ( Lumbricals to index and middle finger ) are paralyzed is what median nerve lesion level?