Week 6 Flashcards
Define immunological memory
What is the role of lymph nodes
filter & trap pathogens
What is the role of the spleen
filter blood
remove damaged RBCs
store platelets
What is the role of tonsils
first-line defence against ingested or inhaled pathogens
What is the role of thymus
maturation & education of T cells
What is the role of bone marrow
site of blood cell production (including lymphocytes)
What is the role of Peyers patches
important for gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) & immune response in digestive system
Describe major histocompatibility complex
MHC1 presents intracellular antigens to cytotoxic T cells
MHC2 presents extracellular antigens to helper T cells
Explain the roles of cytokines
Explain MHC class 1
Explain MHC class 2
What are the roles of T lymphocytes
What are the roles of B lymphocytes
What is GALT
Lymphoid tissue associated with lining of intestinal tract
Located immediately below epithelium of mucosal tissue
Primary lymphoid organ in ruminants (B cell proliferation)
Secondary lymphoid organ in other species
What does GALT contain
organized structures such as:
- Peyer’s Patches (PP)
- isolated lymphoid follicles
- Cryptopatches (aggregates of lymphoids)
scattered lymphocytes (intra-epithelial & in lamina propria) in intestinal villi
Where can Peyer’s patches be found
Located in jejunum and ileum
They can be visible inside lumen of intestines during inflammation
Describe peyers patches in group 1 species (ruminants, pigs, horses, dogs, humans)
- 80-90% of Peyer’s Patches
- Form single continuous structure that extends forward from ileocecal junction
- Densely packed lymphoid follicles, contain only B-cells
- Reach maximal size & maturity before birth (prior to encounter of gut microbiota)
- Multiple discrete accumulations of follicles
- Persist throughout life
- Mainly B-cells, up to 30% T-cells
Describe peyers patches in group 2 species (rabbits, rodents)
Peyer’s Patches located at random intervals in ileum & jejunum
Development starts 2-4 weeks after birth & persist into old age
Development dependent on gut microbiota
Label the Peyers patches histology
Name the immunocytological content of GALT
Intestinal villi
- intraepithelial lymphocytes & lymphocytes in lamina propria
Peyers patches
Follicle associated epithelium
- M cells in between villous epithelium
sub-epithelial dome
- dendritic cells, macrophages, neutrophils, B & T cells
interfollicle areas
- T cells
follicle areas with germinal centres
- B cells
Lamina propria
- T cells
Describe M cells (part of GALT)
Regular distribution of M cells across follicle associated epithelium
Have apical microfolds with adhesion molecules (so antigens can be transported)
M-cells sample antigens & transport them to basolateral pocket to facilitate contact with immune cells on other side of barrier
They are transporter cells which transport antigens to dendritic cells which can present the antigen to lymphocytes
Compare Peyer’s patches to lymph nodes
Describe antigen sampling in GALT
Follicle associated epithelium sample soluble antigens
M cells & dendritic cells sample particulate antigens (eg bacteria)
Antigen is captured by dendritic cells & presented to T cells (in local LN if naïve animal)
Antigen specific T cells will be activated by second co-stimulatory signals
Activated Th cells secrete cytokines
- Promote differentiation & proliferation of:
*B cells –> plasma cells
*T cells –> CTL
How do lymphocytes of GALT stay at site of infection if infection is intestinal?
(Activated T & B cells normally recirculate from PP to LN into circulation)
During infection, mucosal adhesion molecules are upregulated on local endothelial cells
Activated T cells express mucosal adhesion receptor (done by dendritic cells)
As antigen specific lymphocytes re-circulate through local LN & site of infection, they adhere & remain at local site (& all other mucosal tissue) ie homing
Describe mucosal B-lymphocytes in GALT
- B cells are activated by cytokines from Th lymphocytes
- Differentiate into plasma cells
- IgM secreted first (but very large & vulnerable to intestinal enzymes)
- Cytokines stimulate plasma cells to class switch their antibody isotype from IgM to secretory IgA (protected from enzymatic digestion)
What are the 2 isotypes of IgA
IgA1 - predominant IgA subclass found in serum
IgA2 - predominant IgA subclass found in secretory lymphoid tissues e.g., GALT
- Secretory component is added to IgA antibody in lamina propria as it passes through mucosal epithelial cells
- –> protected from enzymatic digestion
Describe how the secretory component is added to IgA in GALT
Secretory IgA captures antigens in lumen:
- IgA binds to receptor on basolateral aspect of epithelial cell
- IgA-receptor complex is internalised into epithelial cell
- IgA-receptor complex is translocated to apical aspect where secretory component is wrapped around IgA molecule
- On mucosal surface of cells secretory IgA is either released into lumen or captures antigen directly
- Secretory IgA interferes with binding of pathogen to receptors on the epithelial cells to prevent pathogen invasion
- –> Immune exclusion rather than immune elimination
Describe IgG in GALT
Mucosal immunity also stimulates IgG production in circulation which can go into lumen but…
Mostly in serum & lamina propria
Neutralises bacterial toxins
- limit toxic effects
Opsonises invading pathogens, enhancing their phagocytosis or complement mediated lysis
- reduce numbers or eliminate pathogen
- –> Immune elimination
Name some parasites that exploit M cells & use them as portals of entry into body
Some E. coli
Define hypersensitivity
when an animals immune response reacts to normally innocuous environmental antigens
Define type 1, 2, 3 & 4 hypersensitivity
Describe the phases of type 1 hypersensitivity
phase 1:
- sensitisation phase (no clinical signs yet)
1. allergen exposure via respiratory or skin
2. antigen presenting cells capture antigens
3. causes naive T cells to differentiate
4. release cytokines causing B cell proliferation
5. class switch for B cells from IgM to IgE
6. IgE binds to mast cells
phase 2:
1. same allergen encountered
2. primed IgE coated mast cells bind to antigen of allergen
3. release of cytoplasmic granules
4. immediate hypersensitivity - pruritis, broncho-constriction, oedema
Describe anaphylaxis (example of type 1 hypersensitivity)
What kind of hypersensitivity is atopic dermatitis in cats
type 1 hypersensitivity
Describe type 2 hypersensitivity
- mediated by IgG antibodies that recognise antigens on cell surface
- intrinsic or extrinsic antigens - activates classical complement pathway
- destruction of cells (phagocytosis)
How is type 2 hypersensitivity different to type 1
Describe Myasthenia Gravis (example of type 2 hypersensitivity)
Describe type 3 hypersensitivity
Describe equine recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) (example of type 3 hypersensitivity)
Describe canine blue eye (example of type 3 hypersensitivity)
Describe type 4 hypersensitivity
How is TB (type 4 hypersensitivity) diagnosed?
What are the 5 main clinical signs of inflammation
Describe chronic inflammations
Can occur if there is no return to steady state conditions following acute inflammation
Often infectious cause, may be immune mediated
- e.g. chronic colitis/inflammatory bowel disease in dogs
- –> Constant immune output occurs
Granuloma may form –> e.g. enteric granuloma seen commonly in ruminant Johne’s disease (paratuberculosis)
Granuloma may take long time to develop & is e.g. of delayed type hypersensitivity (Type IV) response
give examples of causes of chronic inflammation
Autoimmune disorders
- e.g. diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, IBD
Exposure to toxins
- e.g. pollution, exposure to chemicals
Chronic exposure to irritant or foreign material
- e.g. foreign body granuloma
Auto-Inflammatory (Hyper-Inflammatory) Syndromes
- Hyper-inflammatory Syndrome in Weimaraner
- e.g. bacteria:
* e.g. gingivitis, Johne’s disease
- e.g. injury
Give some examples of both
Describe granuloma formation
- Macrophages (Histiocytes – macrophages in tissues) fail to clear foreign agent & become chronically infected
- Activated macrophages constantly secrete TNF-α & other proinflammatory cytokines which promote influx of T-cells
- Removing TNF-α causes breakdown of granuloma - T cells around periphery secrete IFN-γ
- Stimulated macrophages can further mature into epithelioid cells
- Epithelioid cells sustain granuloma
- Prolonged stimulation leads epithelioid cells to fuse together & form multinucleated ‘Giant Cells’ or Langhans cells
- Giant cells are capable of phagocytosis & cytokine secretion
- T-cell & macrophages stimulate fibroblasts promoting fibrosis which can lead to organ damage
What are the pros and cons of granuloma formation
1. Granuloma form focal killing point in which micro-organisms may eventually be killed
2. Granuloma prevent dissemination since it ‘walls off’ micro-organisms
1. Break-down of granuloma can have serious effects since bacteria can disseminate
2. Granuloma may cause severe tissue necrosis & hence affect organ function
3. Granuloma can cause fibrosis & tissue thickening impairing organ function
What is Chronic enterocolitis in dogs & cats
Chronic Diarrhoea (>14 days)
- Idiopathic
- Chronic infection
- Allergic response (e.g. food)
* –> thus, immunosuppressive therapy may be effective
- May be a genetic component
Although granuloma may not be present, cytokines & immune cell infiltrate & maintain chronic inflammatory state
Chronic enteropathy is most common gastrointestinal disorder in older cats, with rising prevalence over past decade
Classified into 4 forms
What are the 4 Forms of chronic enterocolitis in dogs & cats
Describe lymphocytic plasmocytic enteritis (form of chronic enterocolitis in dogs & cats)
Most common form of chronic enterocolitis in dogs & cats (commonly middle aged)
Characterised by increased lymphocyte & plasma cell infiltrate into lamina propria (Ileum & colon common)
In cats it may be difficult to differentiate from small cell lymphoma
Describe eosinophilic (gastro)enteritis (form of chronic enterocolitis in dogs & cats)
Less common that lymphocytic plasmocytic enteritis
No. of different breeds- usually younger animals
Infiltrate is predominantly eosinophils
Chronic parasitic infections/allergy e.g. food.
Describe neutrophilic colitis (form of chronic enterocolitis in dogs & cats) & causes
Neutrophil infiltrate
Possible causes:
- Idiopathic
- Response to normal bacterial microbiota
- Invasion of Campylobacter spp
- Trichomonas foetus infection
What is Hypereosinophilic syndrome in cats?
A variant of eosinophilic enteritis
Overproduction of eosinophils in bone marrow
Widely disseminated eosinophilic infiltration of multiple organs
Organs commonly affected include:
- Bone marrow
- Small intestine
- Liver
- Spleen
- mesenteric & peripheral lymph nodes
- Skin lesions
Poor prognosis
Describe granulomatous colitis (form of chronic enterocolitis in dogs & cats)
Rare - Seen in young Boxer dogs, French bulldogs
Thickened, partially obstructed segment of bowel (ileum & colon most commonly)
Large foamy, Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) +ve macrophages present in colonic mucosa (pro-inflammatory macrophage type)
True granulomas are not present.
Caused by E. coli
What are the methods of antigen sampling in gut
How are lymphocytes recruited to peripheral lymphatic organs such as GALT?
Lymphocytes leave LN, enter blood, then emigrate back from capillaries to intestine
Addressins (adhesion molecules) on high endothelial venules interact with homing receptors on lymphocytes to ensure they reach mucosal surface
How is bacterial DNA recognised in mammals
Bacterial DNA CpG dinucleotides are un-methylated
Most mammalian CpG di-nucleotides are methylated
TLR-9 in mammals recognises un-methylated CpG in bacterial DNA & initiates inflammation
Describe bacterial chromosomes & plasmids
Describe plasmids
Typically circular
Separate from the chromosomal DNA
Some have a suicide gene to ensure maintenance
Some are transmissible by conjugation
Variable in sizes
Describe bacterial replication
Binary fission
They have a generation time
- Length of time required for single bacterial cell to divide to 2 daughter cells
Binary fission leads to clones of bacteria
If bacterial replication leads to clones how do bacteria evolve?
Mutation of genes
Transfer of genes
Rearrange their DNA
Delete genes
New genes inserted
What are the methods of transferring genes between & within bacteria
Introduction of new DNA into and between bacteria:
- Transformation
- Conjugation
- Transduction
- Recombination
Movement of DNA already in bacteria:
- Transposition
- Recombination
Describe transformation in bacteria
Transformation is the uptake of naked DNA
DNA contacts the bacteria and is taken up
Some bacteria are…
- Naturally competent. They can take up DNA without treatment. Have competence mechanisms
- Require treatment to become competent (laboratory competent)
Once naked DNA is taken up into cells there are two options:
- It is degraded by nucleases
- It recombines into the genome
Describe conjugation in bacteria
Bacterial conjugation is transfer of genetic material between bacteria through direct cell-to-cell contact (horizontal gene transfer)
It’s transfer of genetic information from a donor cell to a recipient
donor must host conjugative or mobilisable genetic element (plasmid or transposon)
Most conjugative plasmids have systems ensuring that recipient cell doesn’t already contain similar element
Describe transduction by bacteriophages
Viruses that infect bacteria are known as bacteriophage
Each virus is specific for a specific species of bacteria
They need to bind (specific receptor)
Then inject their genome and this infects the bacteria
What are the types of bacteriophage & transduction
Lytic and generalised transduction
Temperate phage and specialised transduction
Describe generalised transduction by lytic bacteriophage
Process by which any bacterial DNA may be transferred to another bacterium via a bacteriophage
Describe specialised transduction by lysogenic bacteriophage
Lysogenic (viruses that insert their DNA into bacterial chromosome)
Bacterial genes that get transferred depend on where phage genome is inserted on chromosome
When prophage excises it may do this imprecisely or package adjacent bacterial DNA
These packaged particles can then infect another bacteria with bacterial DNA
What happens to DNA that enters bacteria
Degraded – non specific (no recombination general nucleases degrade DNA)
Degraded – by specific restriction endonucleases (DNA restriction)
It manages to integrates with genome (DNA recombination)
Describe Homologous, directed & non-homologous recombination/insertion
Homologous recombination - Where 2 DNA sequences are same they can intercalate their strands. During replication these can get spliced
Non homologous – less efficient, DNA doesn’t match but can be in random positions
Directed - Insertion elements have repeats which lead to homologous/directed insertions in specific sites or enzymes that direct integration at set sites
- These have hot spots for insertions & are more effective
What is DNA restriction in bacteria
It’s not good for bacteria to constantly take up DNA so they have restriction system
They have Restriction endonuclease(s)
Which degrade DNA not made in their own cell
These restriction nucleases don’t degrade self-DNA as they act on specific sites
Bacteria methylates its own DNA where its own restriction nuclease cut so blocking enzyme (They don’t chew up their own genome)
Works on any DNA including non-self plasmids
What are frameshift mutations
Either addition or loss of single base moving reading frame in an out of position
Frame shift adds or removes base to change codon position relative to reading frame
What is transposition
Transposons are sequences of DNA that can move around to different positions within genome
Transposons encode their own transposases
Transposase cut out & re-insert the DNA flanked by inverted repeats (IR)
The process directed by these enzymes is transposition
They pop into (integrate) and out of DNA
If they insert into a gene they will disrupt it
What are insertion sequences
IS elements are a type of transposon. They are….
- short DNA sequence that acts as simple transposable element
- are small relative to other transposable elements
- only code for proteins implicated in the transposition activity
- are different from transposons, which carry accessory genes
What is the clinical relevance of mutations
If a mutations is beneficial to bacteria this will become more fit
Alteration of antibiotic binding sites
- E.g. mutations ribosomal binding sites can reduce binding of ribosome targeting drugs
Avoidance of vaccines
- If mutations alters amino acid sequence of epitope that antibodies bind to then this can reduce or abrogate binding
Alteration of metabolism
- Can be no. of reasons mutations in promotors can upregulate or down regulate critical functions. Making bacteria less or more competitive
Define genetic drift
Changes of over time by mutations of genomes
What are antimicrobial growth promoters and what is the problem with them
substances added to the feed or water of animals to promote growth and improve feed efficiency
Prolonged and large scale use will select for antibiotic resistance
Leading to a reservoir of transferable antibiotic resistance
Banned in UK and EU
Describe bacterial metabolism of xenobiotics (drugs)
Gut flora bacteria can transform (alter) compounds. This can have different effects
- Drugs activated
- Drugs inactivated
- Toxic metabolites (and carcinogens)
Different compounds in food can also alter composition of gut flora
- Can lead to increased bacteria associated either with ‘improved’ or ‘reduced’ gut health
What are methods used to enumerate bacteria
- General assessment of level low, med, high
- Enumeration normally vs. volume or weight
Visual examination
- microscopy total count or general assessment
- Viable counts where you dilute count colonies & calculate original no. of bacteria
Molecular detection
- Detecting species by quantitation of their nucleic acid
What are methods for assessing presence of bacteria
- May work for some very characteristic spirochetes but rods & cocci can’t be distinguished in faeces
- Useful in discrete normally body sites/tissues where you would expect sterility or only single common morphologies (you can spot abnormal types or mixed infections)
- For faeces, the most common method is culture.
What can impact gut flora
Use of drugs