Week 3 Flashcards
What are the differences in their muscularis mucosa
How is keratin replaced in keratinised stratified squamous mucosal epithelium of rumen, reticulum & omasum?
Keratin broken down by microbial population
They contain enzymes (keritinases) that degrade keratin
Why is a keratinised epithelium needed in ruminant forestomachs
What are these and describe them
Vary in shape & size depending on age, diet & location
High concentrations of VFA’s and fibre promote growth
Which digestive products are absorbed in rumen papillae
label the rumen papillae
How do ruminal papillae change with diet
Label the rumen
What is this & describe it
Why do solid objects end up in the reticulum
What is hardware disease and which structures are involved
Label the reticulum
What do we think the omasum does
water absorption
mechanical breakdown of ingested material
absorption of small nutrients
Label the omasum
Which groups of ruminants dont have an omasum
Label the omasum
Apart from water, what else does saliva contain
sodium ions
chloride ions
potassium ions
Which of these statements about rumen is correct:
a. food storage to allow large meals to be eaten
b. allows fermentation to occur
c. allows water absorption
d. allows mixing of gastric enzymes
Briefly describe how small intestinal epithelium is regenerated under normal conditions
which nerve(s) supply most of the parasympathetic supply to the gastrointestinal tract?
a. lumbar splanchnics
b. dorsal vagus
c. dorsal and ventral vagus
d. perineal
e. pelvic ganglia
When assessing health of teeth from a radiograph, which of these signs indicate healthy teeth:
a. even radiolucent band between alveolar bone and tooth
b. radiolucent halo at apex of root
c. narrow pulp cavity
d. sclerosis of alveolar bone
e. radiolucent region around all roots of a tooth
Which are radiographic signs of dental disease:
a. even radiolucent band between alveolar bone and tooth
b. radiolucent halo at apex of root
c. narrow pulp cavity
d. sclerosis of alveolar bone
e. radiolucent region around all roots of a tooth
B, D, E
When performing a double-contrast gastrogram, why is the animals position important?
Why does a right-sided aortic anomaly cause megaoesophagus
What is choke in horses?
Label the liver
Label the organs and blood supply
Describe the liver blood supply
Describe regeneration of liver
What is hepatic parenchyma
What is hepatic stroma
Structural tissue of liver
Label the liver histology
Label the pig hepatic lobule
Pigs have more connective tissue in liver than other species
What is a liver lobule
Hepatocytes are organised in radial cords forming a 6 sided prism with portal triads at each corner and a single central vein
Label the liver lobule
Describe the histological organisation of the a liver lobule
How does blood flow in a liver lobule
centripetally to central vein
Label the portal tract
What is the limiting plate of a liver lobule
Label the liver lobule
Sinusoids: Region where blood is flowing where there is either absent, or very few endothelial cells
What are the 4 liver cell types
Label the liver cell types
Label the liver cell types
Fill in the liver cell types table
Label the liver under TEM
Label the liver
What is the role of HSC/Ito cells in liver
What liver cell in this
Fill in the hepatocyte organelles functions
Label the hepatocyte organelles
What are bile canaliculi
Label the liver
What is the function of the gall bladder
storage, concentration and release of bile
What are the functions of bile
fat digestion
hepatic excretion
Label the gall bladder
Label the gallbladder
Label the blood and bile flow diagram
What is a hepatic acinus
What is a portal lobule
label the hepatic parenchyma
What are the zones of hepatic acinus
Zone 1 closest to portal tract and receives most oxygenated blood and zone 3 the least
Zone 3 has higher biotransformation/detoxification activity
In toxic diseases, zone 1 suffers first (perilobular necrosis)
In hypotensive/congestive diseases zone 3 suffers first (centrilobular necrosis)
Which is the liver
Describe detoxification of foreign chemicals in liver
Phase I - cytochrome P450 modifies the chemical to allow phase II
Phase II - glucuronidation
Describe haem breakdown
Occurs in macrophages (mainly in spleen but also liver & bone marrow)
Iron toxic so important to remove
Damanged RBCs phagocytised by macrophages
Haemoglobin broken down into Fe2+, bilirubin (from haem) and amino acids
Amino acids enter blood stream
Bilirubin travels to liver to be excreted in bile
Fe2+ travels to bone marrow for erythropoeisis and to the liver to be stored as ferritin
Fill in the urea metabolism diagram
In ruminants urea is food source for microbial proteins
In mammals amino part of amino acid turns into NH4+
Fill in the energy metabolism table
1. amino acid 2. glucose 3. triglyceride 4. VFA
Where are liver enzymes in healthy and diseased livers
When liver is healthy, enzymes stay intracellular (wont be able to measure them)
If found in blood test there is liver damage
What are the liver enzymes involved in energy metabolism?
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
What is the function of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in energy metabolism in the liver?
Glycolysis (Role in the malate-asparate shuttle)
AST catalyses the conversion between aspartate and oxaloacetate
What is the role of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in energy metaolism in the liver?
Amino acid catabolism
Alanine reacts with alpha-ketoglutarate to form glutamate and pyruvate (catalyzed by ALT)
Pyruvate can be used to produce glucose or enter the Kreb’s cycle
What are some plasma proteins
Serum Albumin - highly abundant
- carrier protein
- maintains osmotic pressure
- Important so plasma is at same osmotic pressure as cells to prevent water transfer
Fibrinogen & Prothrombin – coagulation cascade
Transferrin – iron transport
Complement proteins
Describe lipoproteins
Lipoproteins move insoluble fat around e.g., triglycerides, cholesterol esters
Describe according to density e.g, VLDL, HDL
Linked to proteins (apolipoproteins)
What are apolipoproteins
Each lipoprotein has own set of apolipoproteins
- e.g. Major protein in chylomicrons is apolipoprotein B, specifically apoB-48
- Give it its characteristics
Apolipoprotein functions:
- Activate enzymes
- Bind receptors
- Stabilise lipoprotein
Describe bile salts
Bile acids are cholesterol derivatives
Main bile acid is cholic acid
What are micelles
Bile salts in aqueous solution tend to form aggregates or micelles
These are amphiphilic i.e. inside +ve & outside –ve
Therefore internalised lipid core, water soluble exterior
The –ve external charge prevents them from coalescing.
Describe the action of bile
Emulsification: Bile acts like a detergent to break down fats into smaller droplets, increasing their surface area for better digestion.
Mechanism: Bile has hydrophobic sides that bind to fats and hydrophilic sides that mix with water, helping to mix fats into the watery digestive juices.
Nutrient Absorption: By emulsifying fats, bile aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
Enzymatic Action:
Phospholipids: Broken down by pancreatic phospholipase A2.
Cholesterol: Broken down by cholesterol esterase.
Describe the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver
- Acetyl-CoA + actetoacetyl-CoA
- Carbon chain lengthens
- Decarboxylation => cholesterol
- Cholesterol can then be converted to bile salts in the liver or moved to endocrine glands to become steroid hormones
Describe the route of bile acids
Absorbed in ileum
- travel to liver via hepatic portal vein
- conjugate with cholesterol
- travel to gall bladder then into the duodenum where they cause fat absorption
- travel down to ileum and reabsorbed
How is fat absorbed in the small intestine
- Bile salts and pancreatic lipase break large fat droplets down
- Micelles formed as bile salts form aggregates, conjugated with phospholipids and cholesterol
- Micelles release into epithelial cells/enterocytes
- Free fatty acids and monoglycerides within mycelle diffuse into enterocyte
- Triglycerides resynthesised and chylomicrons formed in enterocyte (chylomicrons are exocytosed into lymph vessel)
Describe the urea cycle in the liver
- Ammonium reacts with CO2 => carbamoyl phosphate in the mitochondria
- Carbomoyl phosphate reacts with ornithine to produce citrulline
- Citrulline reacts with aspartate in the cytoplasm => arginine
- Arginine reacts with water to form urea and ornithine
describe the immunoregulation function of the liver
Kupffer cells (sit in sinusoids between liver cells)
Complement synthesis & metabolism
What does the liver store
Water-soluble vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins
- Gives it dark color
- Too much iron being stored can cause damage
Define toxicology
study of harmful properties, actions & effects of chemicals on biological systems
Define toxin
antigenic poison/venom of plant or animal origin
Define toxicant
any toxic substance
Define poison
substance capable of causing illness or death of living organism
Define venom
Define xenobiotic
a chemical substance within an organism that is not naturally expected or foreign
Define toxicosis
any disease or condition caused by poisoning
Define no observable effect level (N.O.E.L)
Define developmental toxicology
Describe ways in which toxicants may produce toxicosis
When does a chemical become toxic
How can we measure how dangerous a toxin is
List the key information in the investigation of a suspected case of intoxication
How can toxicants be absorbed
How can toxicants be distributed
Where do toxicants go (storage)