Week 5 Mandy's notes Flashcards
Evaluator Characteristics when assessing a child (8)
»Flexibility »Vigilance »Self-awareness »Body language »Eye contact »Professional appearance »Impressions and Expectancy Effects »The examiner-child relationship
Preparing for first meeting
»Study the referral question
»Review any available reports, records
»Review literature
»Review and practise administration of tests
»Recommend medical examination as appropriate
»Organise standard forms, kits, testing area
Establishing rapport (8) (Sattler & Rapport, 2018, pp. 189-194)
»Consider child’s developmental level
»Prior to meeting, prepare parents, teachers to prepare the child
»Prepare how you will introduce yourself
»Think through the transition of moving away from parent or classroom
»Explain what will happen during the assessment and what will happen with the assessment results
»Allay apprehensions
»Help children to feel at ease
»Encourage effort
What’s involved in a Multimethod assessment
»Interview (child, parent, teacher)
»Observation (child, adolescent)
»Performance tests (child, adolescent)
»Informant report (child, adolescent, parent, teacher)
Interviewing children -considerations (6)
»Use simple vocabulary and short sentences
»Be sure child understands questions
»Assume a neutral and accepting attitude
»Phrase your questions so that the child does not receive hints that one response is more acceptable than others (i.e., do not use “leading questions”)
»Use discretion and judgement in phrasing questions and selecting topics for discussion
»Learn about children’s current interest
Interviewing children, topics (14)
»Initial apprehensions »School »Home »Interests »Friends »Mood/Feelings »Fears/Worries »Self-concept 12 »Somatic concerns »Thought disorder »Dating, sexual r’ships, alcohol, substance use (Specific questions for adolescents) »Memories/Fantasies »Aspirations »Concluding Questions
Interviewing parents -considerations
Take a strength based approach
Goals include:
»To gather information about the parent’s perception of the problem
»To obtain developmental history
»To identify antecedents and consequences
»To identify possible solutions/strategies
»To assess parents motivation and resources to implement strategies
Interviewing parents - topics
»Parents perception of the problem »Home environment »Sibling relations »Peer relations »Parental relations
»Children’s interests and hobbies »Cognitive functioning »Academic functioning »Biological functioning
»Affective life
Specific questions
(depending on referral focus)
»Developmental history)
»Family and parental expectations
»concluding questions
Interviewing teachers - goals
Goals include: »To gather information about the teacher’s perception of the problem» To identify antecedents and consequences »Other children’s reactions »Other teacher’s reactions »Academic performance »Child strengths
Interviewing teachers -topics
»Teacher’s perception of the problem »Reactions to child behaviours »Relationship with peers »Academic performance »Child strengths
Where do you observe children?
»Observe parent-child interactions in waiting room
What does this tell you about possible influences on the child?
»Observe the child’s behaviours in waiting room. What does the child’s behaviour tell you about their developmental level?
»Observe child behaviours in natural settings (Classroom, Playground)
Things to Note - observations of child during the assessment:
»Personal appearance »Attitude »Attention »Affect »Language »Sensory and motor skills »Other behaviours (incl. antecedents and consequence
Noting nonverbal behaviours
Note specific non-verbal behaviours
And then …
»Possible interpretations of what you notice
Assessment of Behaviour - exmaple tests
Example tests:
»Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)
»Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
Assessment of Adaptive Behaviour
Example tests
Example tests:
»Adaptive Behavior Assessment System –Third Edition (ABAS-III)
»Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Third Edition (BAYLEY-III)
»Vineland Adaptive BehaviorScales, Third Edition (Vineland-3)
Assessment of Cognitive Functioning
Example tests:
Wechsler Scales
»Stanford Binet (SB5)
»Executive functioning/Neuropsych
- NEPSY-II (A Developmental NEuroPSYchological Assessment)
- BehaviorRating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)
- Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS)
Assessment of Anxiety & Depression
Example tests:
Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children 2nd Edition (MASC-II) »Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale »Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI 2) »Also Behaviour Scales above »CBCL, SDQ