Week 5 - Lower Respiratory Tract Infections Flashcards
What are the normal microbial flora of the upper respiratory tract?
Viridans streptococci
Neisseria spp
Candida sp
What are the defences of the respiratory tract?
Muco-ciliary clearance mechanisms Nasal hairs Ciliated columnar epithelium Cough and sneezing reflex Respiratory mucosal immune system Lymphoid follicles of pharynx and tonsils Alveolar macrophages Secretary IgA and IgG in saliva Air heats up as it goes through lungs which kills most bacteria
What might compromise resporatory defences?
Poor swallow Abnormal ciliary function (smoking) Abnormal mucous (cystic fibrosis) Dilated airways Defects in host immunity
Why aren’t antibiotics used to treat most upper respiratory tract infections?
Because they are most commonly caused by viruses
What are the most common lower respiratory tract infections?
Bronchitis Pneumonia Bronchiolitis Empyema Bronchiectasis Lung abscess
What is acute bronchitis?
Inflammation of medium sized airways
What is the main risk factor for acute bronchitis?
What are the symptoms of acute bronchitis?
Increases sputum production
Increased shortness of breath
What would a chest x ray of someone with acute bronchitis look like?
What organisms cause acute bronchitis?
S. pneumoniae
H. Influenzae
How is acute bronchitis treated?
Maybe antibiotics
What is pneumonia?
Inflammation if the alveoli
What are the symotoms of pneumonia?
Pleuritic chest pain
Shortness of breath
How is pneumonia classified?
By clinical setting (community acquired/hospital acquired) By presentation (acute/ chronic) By organism (bacteria/viral/fungi) By lung pathology (lobar/broncho/interstitial)