Week 5 - Cultural inclusiveness: safe cultures, healthy Indigenous people Flashcards
What is cultural heterogeneity (diversity)
Individual expressions of culture vary according to a person’s characteristics and experiences
How can health care professionals be culturally inclusive?
By understanding the history and structural factors that have been part of a person’s experience, in the context of diversity within, and external to the group
Define social capital
trust, reciprocity, participation and belonging
Define cultural capital
the power and resource that help people maintain social capital in a way that values cultural understandings
What is acculturation?
Where two cultural groups become integrated; or relatively similar
What are the 4 different reactions to acculturation?
1) Assimilation - where one culture abandons their culture in favour of another
2) Integration - creative blending of two cultures
3) Rejection - the new culture replaces the heritage culture
4) Marginalisation - neither the new or the old culture are accepted
When/where does cultural conflict occur?
where people are not committed to similar goals or ambitions, and where societal decision making is based on dissimilar principles and philosophies
What is an extreme form of cultural conflict?
What is the result of cultural conflict at the community level?
The erosion of social and cultural capital by causing disharmony.
The withdrawal of members of society rather than a mutually supportive community
What is cultural relativism
the acceptance of one another’s culture as a legitimate adaption off different peoples to various historical, natural, socio-economic and political environments
The centre of tolerance and social inclusiveness
What is cultural safety?
The concept of exploring, reflecting on, and understanding one’s own culture and how it relates to other cultures with a a view towards promotion partnership, participation and cultural protection.
Cultural safety is judge by the other not by the self
Describe the three steps of culturally safe practice
1) Acknowledge that the chair care relation is power laden, with the health care professional holding the majority of the power (cultural awareness)
2) Develop cultural sensitivity by reflecting on your impact on the ‘other’
3) Make a commitment to preserve and protect all cultures
What is cultural awareness
Recognising the fact that any health care relationship is unique, power laden and culturally dyadic
What is cultural sensitivity?
The process of engaging in self exploration of their own life experience and realities, and the impact this may have on others
Describe a culturally competent health system
- Acknowledges diversity
- Provides culturally appropriate care
- Enables self-determination and reciprocity
- Holds governments and health planners accountable for meeting needs of all cultures
- Manages from culturally competent evidence base
- Recognises the need for culturally competent training
What is multiculturalism?
people are in fact linked in many more ways than their replace divides them
What is biculturalism
Two distinct cultures in some form of co-existence
What is ethnocentrism?
the tendency to view the world through one’s own cultural filters, perceiving and interpreting others’ behaviours according to a personal belief system and set of behaviours
What is xenophobia?
An aversion to the very notion of tolerating other cultures - fearing an despising those who differ
What is racism?
A belief in the distinctiveness of human races, usually involving the idea that one’s birth-ascribed race or skin culture is superior to another
Describe systematic bias
Allowing one group to dominate another through the predominate social order, where organisational and communication skills, financial resource and commitment of those involved in running a system are able to exclude others, making them dependent on the powerful group rather than allowing them full participation
What is culture blindness
Where someone who believes they are working within an ethos of social justice develops universalism - an approach to health and social care where an individual proclaims to “treat everyone the same”
3 examples of systematic bias
- benchmarking Indigenous health against non-Indigenous population norms
- Using a universal or ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to health care
- Attributing needs to culture instead of structural and social determinants of health
The most distinctive features of Indigenous cultures are in terms of health and wellbeing are:
A holistic, ecological, spiritual view of health an wellbeing.
Encompasses physical, mental, cultural and spiritual dimension of health, and the relationship between these and the environmental, idealogical, political , social and economic conditions
Indigenous peoples relationship between Health and Place
the spiritual relationship with land is a metaphysical connection, covering all other inter-relationships
What has been the impact of colonisation on Indigenous people?
displacement for the land by colonising invaders has disconnected Indigenous people from their environment, creating spiritual disharmony and ill health
What is the gap in life expectancy for male and female Indigenous Australian?
Males - 11.5 years
Females - 9.7 years
Why is the burden of illness worse for Indigenous people than non-Indigenous people?
- an unhealthy start to life
- social disadvantage
- greater exposure to diseases
- lack of access to services
Identify 7 structural and behavioural impediments to healthy lifestyles
1) Overcrowing
2) Lack of access to healthy foods
3) Few facilities for exercise, recreation
4) Few culturally appropriate support systems, sources of guidance
5) Judgemental attitudes
6) Low social capital
7) High rates of violence
How can we prevent substance abuse in Indigenous communities?
Develop community-determined and community-managed strategies the build on family and community strengths to create a place where young people can develop identity, capacity and self-esteem
Goals for indigenous health
- eliminate racism and discrimination
- address the social determinants of disadvance
- improve child and youth health
- recognise the importance of Indigenous family and family networks
- Promote public acceptance of the needs of Indigenous people
- Improve mainstream services and programs
- Recognise the impact of environmental degradation
- Acknowledge the uniqueness of Indigenous systems of knowledge in caring for Country
- health of Indigenous people as priority for health planning
- support economic, social and cultural capital to foster self-determinism
- intersectional collaboration
- ensure cultural safety
- enshrine diversity and cultural in the laws of social processing of the country
What are the reasons for lower health status and shorter lifespan of Indigenous people?
- socio-economic disparities
- deprivation
- unequal treatment
- racism and discrimination
- unhealthy environments
What are the social determinants of health?
- healthy child development
- social support networks
- education, literacy
- Employment and working conditions
- Social environments
- Physical environments
- Health practices, coping skills
- Health services, resources
- Gender, culture
- Biology, genetic characteristics
What is cultural safety?
Understanding one’s own culture and how it relates to other cultures with a view to competing cultural protection
What is cultural conflict?
People are not committed to similar goals or philosophies, and societal decision-making is based on dissimilar principles and philosophies
What is culture?
Beliefs, values and knowledge that are inherited from one generation to another and that determine social behaviour
What is cultural sensitivity
Being responsive to the way that an individual or groups cultural mores and lifestyle habits shape health and health behaviours
What is cultural capital
The power and services that help people maintain social capital in a way that values cultural understanding
What is culturally safe practice?
Acknowledges that the health care relationship is power-laden, with health care professionals holding the power
What is cultural literacy?
Developed through openness to people’s interpretation of their cultural identity and how their press ions of culture shape their behaviour
What is cultural awareness?
Any health care relationship is unique, power-laden and culturally dyadic. Recognising that there is always the potential for the health provider to hold power over another person
What are the 7 Close the Gap targets of the Closing the Gap strategy?
HEALTH 1. Improve child mortality rates targets 2. Improve life expectancy EDUCATION 3. Improve Year 12 attainment 4. Reading and numeracy target 5. Improve early childhood education 6. Improve school attendance EMPLOYMENT 7. Improve number of employed Indigenous people
What social determinants of health are targeted by the Closing the Gap strategy?
Education, literacy, healthy child development, health practices, health service, culture and employment