Week 5 - Adrenal Gland Disorders/Pregnancy Flashcards
Cushings Disease
- Hyperadrenalism
- excess of cortisol production due to pituitary or adrenal tumors. GLAND problem
Cushings Syndrome
- Hyperadrenalism
- due to chronic steroid use. HORMONE problem
S+S of hyperadrenalism
Weight gain: moon face, buffalo hump
Hypertension, hypokalemia, diabetes
Reproductive organ issues
Compromised stress reaction
Primary Hypoadrenalism
- severe hyposecretion of adrenals
- Due to autoimmune, infection, tumor, surgery
- Cortisol AND aldosterone deficiency
Secondary Hypoadrenalism
- hypothalamic or pituitary issues
- Cortisol deficiency ONLY
- When treated is resolved
Tertiary Hypoadrenalism
Due to long term use of steroids
Rule of Two
People who have taken more than 20mg of prednisone for 2 weeks within the past 2 years
– if yes, must prescribe steroids before their appointment.
Oral Manifestations of Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Gingivitis
- Pyogenic Granuloma
- Tooth Mobility
Does pregnancy cause soft teeth?
Demineralization occurs from vomiting and changes in diet (cravings).
Dental Care during pregnancy
- Routine Care usually done in 2nd and early 3rd trimester. -
- Emergency care only during first trimester.
- Essential radiography only