Week 4 - Diabetes Flashcards
released in response to rising blood glucose
Released in response to falling levels of blood glucose
S+S of Diabetes (both types)
Polyuria: increased urination and urinary glucose
Polydipsia: increased thirst
Polyphagia: increased hunger/weight loss
Type I Diabetes
- diagnosed as a young child
- cannot make insulin themselves
- autoimmune
- ~10% of diabetics
Type II Diabetes
- Adult onset
- due to insulin resistance
- Genetic, obesity, lack of activity
- ~90% of diabetics
Oral Manifestations of Diabetes
- Xerostomia
- Candidiasis
- burning sensations
- poor wound healing
- increased caries
Most important question to ask someone with Diabetes?
What was the most recent Hb-A1c? And when was it?
Hb-A1c levels
< 6% = normal non diabetic
6 - 6.4% = prediabetes or at risk of diabetes
6.5 + % = diabetes Dx
Normal fasting Hb-A1c
3.9 to <7 mmol/L
Hypoglycemic Emergencies
- Due to LOW blood sugar levels
- shaking, weakness, convulsions
- Give them something to eat
Hyperglycemic Emergencies
- Due to HIGH blood sugar
- Diabetic coma
- Prolonged onset over days
Treatment: require insulin
Gestational Diabetes Risk Factors
Maternal age
Multiple pregnancies