Week 5 Flashcards
What is rigour?
Term used to denote reliability/trustworthiness
The appropriateness of the methodological choice made by the researcher
What are some of the aspects of trustworthiness?
Used to assess quality of qualitative research Credibility Dependability Transferability Confirmability
What is validity?
The extent to which research does what it indents to do
- have you measured what you said you’re measuring
- does it answer the question
What is reliability?
The extent to which the findings of the research can be replicated
- are the results consistent over time
What is generalisability?
The extent to which the findings can be applied to the broader population/different contexts
What is credibility?
The findings make sense
- member checking - participants review interpretation
- prolonged time in the field
- triangulation
- peer debriefing - peers of the researcher review the data
What is inter code reliability?
Independent researcher codes the data
Checks performed about similarity in codes used, how they have been applied and the conclusions drawn
What is triangulation?
Using different methods to address the question from different perspectives
What is negative case analysis?
Researchers challenge their own assumptions and become aware of alternatives
What is dependability?
Research been conducted in a dependable way
- develop an audit trail - description of research from start to finish
- thick description - provide adequate detail about process, context and interpretation
What is transferability?
The potential for findings to be transferred to another setting
- thoroughly describing the research context/assumptions
- provide depth when discussing results
- context accuracy - check your theory/models have been interpreted correctly
What is Confirmability?
Confirmation of the researcher’s position and influence
- post analysis data audit - is there any scope for potential bias?
- reflexivity - researchers awareness of themselves and their relationship with the research
What is personal reflexivity?
How the research process affects the researcher
What is epistemological reflexivity?
Looks at how the research question/methodology limits what can be learned