Week 5 Flashcards
What is culture clash?
When two very different cultures are present within an area, with unequal power, the less powerful will experience culture clash.
What are the two factors determining culture clash?
1- Whether or not people recognise each other as human beings
2- Whether or not people share or believe they share similar values and beliefs
What is the White Australian Policy
Contributed to set of white cultural values and beliefs that impacted development of structure of society and national identity. Groups excluded and marginalised within society based on ethnicity and race, and a ‘them’ and ‘us’ mindset was created.
Explain the protection through segregation policy
Protection resulted in forced segregation of ATSI’s from land and family into missions and reserves.
What is racism
Doctrine that the world is divisible into categories based on physical differences which can be transmitted genetically.
What is social darwinism
Darwin’s theory of evolution applied to physical, cultural and intellectual evolution. Based on concept that life is arranged from simplest (primitive) to most complex (civilised). Research is termed scientific racism.
How does the pseudo-science of scientific racism impacted A&TSI’s?
Termed lowest of human race. No traditions or historical sense. Linked to their small skulls and low intellectual development.
What is protestant ethnic and how did it influence A&TSI’s?
Wealth seen as indicator of God’s grace, and increasing industrialisation demanding more resources. Acceptable to clear land by shooting and poisoning A&TSI’s because they needed wealth to receive God’s grace and development and achievement.
Explain the assimilation policy
Full bloods allowed to die out through natural elimination. Half-castes encouraged to assimilate into white communities. Adoption of European lifestyle and focused on children as more adaptable. Systemic racism and genocide.
What is the structure/agency debate
Structure: Complex and interconnected set of social forces and elements of social structure that work together to shape the overall life courses of people. Lives are determined by society.
Agency: Thoughts, decisions and actions taken by people that express their individual power. Power to think for themselves and shape their own direction and experiences.
What is epigenetics?
Process by which our genes respond to environmental cues. Biological switches that sit on genes can turn them on or off.
How do past and present government policies impact inter professional practice?
Left deep mistrust of government and institutions. Historically have experienced discrimination from past and present government policies and have been excluded from community services and other social programs.
How is intergenerational trauma related to epigenetics?
Gets signals from mother about environment which results in changed in genetic function, some of biological switches being turned on and off.