Week 5 Flashcards
Supported Conversatioin
-I know you you know and have a lot to say
o Language finding and not a cognition impairment
o Speak slowly, use yes /no questions pictures, talk, always
o Talk to the caregiver
o Be mindful of tone
- Tool kit
o Message in, message out from client, verify
o Include family members make sure you aren’t only talking to family member - Foundations
o Allow time to respond
o Observe body language
o Slowing things down - Acknowledging competence
- Revealing competence
Assessment: setting
- Rehabilitation begins with diagnosis and assessment
- looks different depending on the setting
- acute setting goals
- swallow safety and ability
- informal assessment of communicative abilities
-Might not tolerate full hour of an assessment
-Speech vs language? For discharge planning
-Education by helping the family for how to communicate
-Speech vs language? (for planning next stage)
What are our goals when we do an assessment?
*Identifying strengths & weaknesses (severity too)
*Type of aphasia they have
* Case history
* Understand patients goals
* Communication partners
* Document baseline
* Inform prognosis
* Inform treatment decisions
* Inform treatment decisions
* Where will you focus your treatments
* Discharge decisions
* Impact of life participation
* Documentation for payers
The first visit, acute care
- Explain who you are and why you are there
- talk rehabilitation process, not prognosis
- may do informal bedside evaluation
- quickly assess comprehension and verbal expression
Which approach to use?
Use a person-centered model over a clinician-centered approach
Treatment begins the moment assessment starts
o From the moment you meet the person you are educating, motivating, helping the person
o Think about the end
Medical History Information
- key items in the chart
- Date of CVA
- incl. prior CVA and ST
- Medical history, including any conditions that may complicate prognosis
- current medications
- Review imaging, including neurologist’s report
- social worker/case manager reports