Week 5 Flashcards
Obliquus Externus Abdominis
O: external surfaces of lower 8th ribs
I: linea alba
- pubic tubercle
- anterior half of iliac crest
- flex the trunk
- contralateral rotation of the trunk
- compresses the abdominal contents
Intercostal nerves (T7-T12)
Obliquus internus abdominis
- lateral 1/3 of inguinal ligament
- anterior 2/3 of iliac crest
- thoracolumbar fascia
I: linea alba and lower 3 ribs
- flexion of trunk
- ipslateral rotation of trunk
- compresses the abdominal contents
Intercostal nerves T6-L1
Transversus abdominis muscle
- inguinal ligament
- iliac crest
- thoracolumbar fascia
- cartilages of the lower 6 ribs
- linea alba
Function: compresses the abdominal contents
Intercostal nerves T6-L1
Rectus Abdominis
O: pubic crest and symphysis pubis
I: xiphoid process and cartilages of ribs 5-7
1. flexion of trunk
2. posterior tilt of pelvis
3. Compresses the abdominal contents
Intercostal nerves (T6-T12)
Layers of the abdominal wall
- skin
- camper’s fascia
- scarpa’s fascia
- rectus sheath
- transversalis fascia
- extraperitoneal fat
- parietal peritoneum
camper’s fascia
fatty layer
- thick superficial layer of adipose and areolar connective tissue
- more prominent under the belly button
scarpa’s fascia
deep membranous layer
rectus sheath
protective covering over rectus abdominus and composed of 3 flat muscles: external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominus
arcuate line
located 1/2 of the distance between umbilicus and pubic symphysis
difference between the rectus sheath superior to the arcuate line and inferior
superior - the anterior lamina is full aponeurosis of external oblique and anterior half of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique
the posterior lamina is the posterior half of the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and full aponeurosis of transversus abdominis
Inferior - the anterior lamina - aponeurosis of all 3 abdominal muscles
there is no posterior layer
Layers of the anterolateral abdominal wall
- skin
- camper’s fascia
- scarpa’s fascia
- external oblique muscle
- internal oblique muscle
- transversus abdominis muscle
- transversalis fascia
- extraperitoneal fat
- parietal layer of peritoneum
Quadratus Lumborum
O: iliac crest and iliolumbar ligament
I: Rib 12 and TPs of L1-L4
- extension of trunk
- lateral flexor of trunk
- fixes rib 12 during inspiration
ventral rami of spinal nerves T12 and L1-4
Psoas Major
O: bodies and TPS of L1-L5
I: lesser trochanter of femur
- flexion of thigh
- lateral rotation of thigh
- flexion of trunk
- lateral flexion of trunk
Lumbar plexus (L1.L2,L3)
O: iliac fossa and sacral ala
I: lesser trochanter of femur
function: flexion of thigh and lateral rotation of thigh
femoral nerve
inguinal canal
oblique canal downward and medial ward on top of the inguinal ligament
- contains the spermatic cord