Week 3 Flashcards
what are the 2 major groups of muscles in the back?
extrinsic and intrinsic back muscles
what are the extrinsic back muscles?
trapezius, latissimus dorsi, levator scapulae, and rhomboids
what are the intermediate extrinsic back muscles
the two serratus posterior muscles
where is the serratus posterior superior
lies deep to the rhomboid muscles
where is the serratus posterior inferior
lies deep to the latissimus dorsi
what are the 3 layers of the intrinsic back muscles?
superficial, intermediate, and deep layer
what are the muscles of the spinotransverse group
splenius capitis and splenius cervicis
what are the erector spinae (sacrospinalis) muscles?
Iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
what are the “long muscles” of the back
erector spinae muscles
what are the transversospinalis muscle groups
semispinalis, multifidus, and rotatores
what are the 3 semispinalis muscles
semispinalis capitis, cervicis, thoracis
what are the superficial group of the anterior neck muscles
platsma and sternocleidomastoid
O: fascia over deltoid and pec major
I: madible and skin of the lower face
- depresses lower lip and mandible
Innervation: CN7 facial nerve
O: medial 1/3 of clavicle and manubrium of sternum
I: the mastoid process and lateral 1/2 of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
Unilateral contraction:
1. lateral flexion of head and neck
2. contralateral rotation of head and neck
Bilateral contraction:
1. extension of head and neck
2. flexion of the lower neck
3. elevation of sternum and clavicle
Innervation: CN11 spinal accessory nerve
what are the deep group muscles of the anterior neck
longus capitis
longus coli
rectus capitis anterior
rectus capitis lateralis
anterior scalene
middle scalene
posterior scalene
how many intercostal spaces are there?
when are the external intercostal muscles active?
when are the internal intercostal muscles active
forecful exhalation
how many layers are there of the intercostal muscles?
external, internal, innermost
what are the attachments of the diaphragm?
xiphoid process, costal margin, end of ribs 11 & 12, L1-L3
what are the 3 main formina in the diaphragm?
aortic hiatus (T12), esophageal hiatus (T10), caval opening (T8)
the circular pigmented area surrounding the nipple
what innervates the breast?
2nd to 6th intercostal nerves (4th innervates nipple)
posterior intercostal veins
mainly drain on the right side into azygos vein and on the left side into the hemiazygos or accessory hemizaygos