Week 4 Flashcards
Skin, dense CT, Aponeorosis, Loose CT, Pericranium
Epicranial aponeurosis
the big strip of white tissue that connects the bellies of the occipitofrontalis muscle
how many bellies does the occipitofrontalis muscle have?
what is the origin of the occipitofrontalis muscle?
galea aponeurotica layer of skull
what is the insertion of the occipitofrontalis muscle
frontalis: skin over the eyebrows
occipitalis: superior nuchal line
what are the actions of the occipitofrontalis muscle
frontalis: raises eyebrows
occipitalis: anchors and retracts the galea posteriorly
what is the innervation of the occipitofrontalis muscle?
CNVII (facial nerve)
Orbicularis Oculi
a sphincter muscle arranged in concentric bands around the upper and lower eyelids
main function: close the eyelids when muscle contracts
Levator palpebrae superiororis
triangular-shaped muscle located in each upper eyelid
main function: elevate and retract the upper eyelid
what innervates levator palpebrae superioris
CN III (oculomotor nerve)
functions of muscles of the ears
in animals helps to direct the ears towards the sources of sounds
what are the elevators, retractors and evertors of the upper lip
- levator labii superioris
- zygomaticus major and minor
- risoris
Orbicularis oris
the sphincter around the mouth, closes and protrudes lips (kissing)
in the cheek
- presses cheeks against teeth and lips
- resists distension of the mouth
what are the muscles of mastication (chewing)
- temporalis
- masseter
- medial pterygoid
- lateral pterygoid
O: temporal fossa and fascia
I: coronoid process and anterior border of ramus of mandible
Innervation: Mandibular nerve (V3)
Function: elevation and retraction of mandible
O: zygomatic arch
I: lateral surface of ramus of mandible
innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)
function: elevation and protraction of mandible
medial pterygoid
O: mainly pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
I: medial surface of angle of mandible
Innervation: Mandibular nerve (V3)
function: elevation, protrusion, and contralateral deviation of mandible
lateral pterygoid
O: mainly pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
I: articular disc and to the neck of the mandible
Innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)
Function: protrusion and contralateral deviation of mandible
Another name for neurocranium?
brain box
another name for viscerocranium?
facial skeleton
what are the paired neurocranium bones?
parietal and temporal bones
what are the unpaired neurocranium bones?
frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethomoid bones
what are the paired viscerocranium bones
lacrimal, nasal, zygomatic, maxilla, inferior nasal concha, palatine bones