WEEK 4: Study Guide Docs Flashcards
What is a spinal segment?
What is a Vertebral segment?
Spinal Segment
31 pairs of spinal nerves - 8 C, 12 T, 5 L, 5 S, 1 Coccygeal with respective spinal root ganglia
Vertebral Segment
31 segments - 8 C, 12 T, 5 L, 5 S, 1 Coccygeal
What do ribs articulate with?
Rib number = same number of transverse process
Another name for costal faces & where are they found?
demifacets (half-facets), found on the thoracic vertebral
which vertebra has no body?
Atlas (centrum)
What causes Jefferson fracture?
Axial loading of the cervical part of vertebral column most commonly on atlas
Spina Bifida
common neural tube defects leads to incomplete development of the vertebral arch
Uncinate process
process on every superior surface on each cervical vertebrae.
PURPOSE - to keep it from dislocating
External occipital crest
-process that continues inferiorly from the EOP to the Foramen magnum
What structure does not border the IV foramen?
What lobe does the temporal lobe belong to?
temporal lobe
which vertebra does the vertebral artery pass through first bilaterally
C6 (C7 has a vein running through it)
Which rib can cause a thoracic outlet syndrome?
cervical rib
Which spinal condition is caused by a slippage?
Sacral hiatus?
inferior aperture of the sacral canal
What do the 2 lamina fuse together to form?
spinous process
Where is the first IV foramen located between?
Axis & C3
Venous Plexus
an intricate NETWORK OF sinusoidal VEINS found in the cervical epidural space, consisting of longitudinal channels connected by retrocorporeal veins
What length of the spinal cord are the intervertebral disc?
1/4 spine length
Externa filum terminale is thicker bc external has all 3 meningeal maters covering but internae is
Pia Matter