Week 4 - Normal Birth Flashcards
Changes to Cardiovascular System during pregnancy?
- circulating blood volume increase by 30-40%
- resting heart rate increases by aprox. 20BPM.
- blood pressure lowers as a result of increased Progesterone.
- Position of heart shifts slightly due to enlargement of the Uterus.
Changes to the respiratory System during pregnancy?
- uterus presses on diaphragm.
- Reduced capacity to take deep breathes <- Uterus pressing on Diaphragm impacts this.
What is the Fundus of the Uterus?
Fundus in general is part of a hollow organ that is across from, or farthest away from, the organs opening.
Fundus of the Uterus = top part of the uterus that is across from the Cervix.
how does the anatomy of the Fundus change during pregnancy?
The time somebody has been pregnant can be estimated by measuring the border of the Fundus to the Pubic Symphysis. This is because it correlates with gestational age.
What relaxes in the Pelvis during pregnancy?
- Sacroiliac Joint
- Symphysis Pubis
Stages of Labour?
- Stage 1 = Cervix opens fully over several hours. This 1st stage consists of:
- latent phase
- early labour
- active labour
- transition
- Stage 2 = From full dilation to birth of baby.
- Stage 3 = From birth of baby to delivery of placenta and membranes (AKA: Afterbirth)
Describe PRE-LABOUR?
- cervix long and closed but will start to soften.
- Head sitting in the pelvis.
- Baby facing side to side.
Describe the Latent phase - Also state which stage of birth this takes place?
- Cervix can dilate from 0-3cm.
- Contractions irregular and short but often painful.
- Cervix becoming effaced (shortening) and starting to open (show)
- The women is fine (safe) at home. Does not need to be in hospital at this stage.
- This stage can last around 20 hours.
What is the EARLY LABOUR stage of pregnancy? state what stage this occurs during.
- Contractions more regular, longer and intense, but can still be variable in frequency and strength.
- cervix thinning. Continuously opening at this stage.
- Baby starting to be pushed down through the pelvis.
- At this stage the woman is still fine at home.
What is the ACTIVE LABOUR stage of pregnancy? state what stage this occurs during.
- Contractions are strong, every 3-5 minutes, intense.
- Cervix opening towards full dilation 3-6cm dilation.
- baby descending.
- The woman is likely to want to be in the place where she is (best not to take her on ambulance during this period).
What is the TRANSITION stage of pregnancy? state what stage this occurs during.
- contractions every 3-5 minutes and very intense.
- woman often feels she can’t (needs a lot of encouragement)
- Rectal pressure at peak of contractions.
- membranes bulging if not already broken
- If not the woman’s first baby, then birth is imminent. Process can take slightly longer if it is the woman’s first baby.
What is the FULL DILATION stage of pregnancy? state what stage this occurs during.
- contractions every 60-90 seconds, intensive and expulsive contractions; very intense.
- strong urge to push with peak of contraction as pressure on rectum.
- membranes rupture if not already broken.
- blood stained shows.
- she may open her bowels - this is normal; provide reassurance.
- head molding and starting to rotate.
Important things to assess during/before childbirth?
- what is the woman saying?
-How is she acting? - patient Hx; parity (amount of times woman has given birth), gestation, any complications? How long has she been contracting painfully?
- count of contraction rate
- set of observations
- any loss pre vaginum?
What does PARITY mean in childbirth?
PARITY = The number of times a woman has given birth.
What does Gravidy mean in pregnancy?
The number of times a woman has been pregnant.