Week 4 - Gynecological Emergencies Flashcards
What is FGM?
FGM = Female Genital Mutilation
involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs.
How many women currently alive have experienced some form of FGM?
100-140 million.
Health complications of FGM?
- recurrent bladder and urinary tract infections
- cysts
- infertility
- increased risk of childbirth complications and newborn deaths
- need for later surgeries
types of FGM?
- CLITORIDECTOMY = partial or total removal of the clitoris.
- Excision = Partial or total removal of clitoris and the labia minora
- Infibulation = narrowing of the vaginal opening through a covering seal
What is toxic shock syndrome?
Caused by bacteria that produce toxins - e.g: Staphylococcus Aureus or Streptococcal Pyogenes. It occurs when these toxins spread into the bloodstream, which can lead to severe organ damage or death.
- Fever: A high temperature of 102.2°F (39°C) or higher.
- Rash: A sunburn-like rash that may be red or rough.
- Skin peeling: The skin may peel on the hands and feet one to two weeks after the rash appears.
- Flu-like symptoms: Headache, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, and cough.
- Vomiting and diarrhea: Feeling sick to your stomach and having diarrhea.
- Blood pressure drop: A drop in blood pressure, which can be severe in some cases.
- Organ failure: Kidney failure or multi-organ failure can occur in severe cases.
- Confusion: Feeling dizzy, confused, or drowsy.
- Difficulty breathing: Having trouble breathing or signs of respiratory distress.
Causes of Toxic Shock Syndrome?
- tampons, contraceptive sponges and diaphragms, especially when left in place for a long period of time.
- These items provide a breeding ground for the bacteria that subsequently release toxins that cause Toxic shock Syndrome.
What is the Incidence rate of Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Toxic Shock Syndrome risk factors?
- post surgery
- recent childbirth
- viral infections
- severe burns
Management of Toxic Shock Syndrome?
- High flow Oxygen
- rapid IV access enroute
- IV fluids
- Reassess and monitor
- Rapid transport to hospital
- pre alert ATMIST
What is Eptopic pregnancy?
When a fertilized egg implants itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the Fallopian tubes. Poses a major health risk to the mother.
Causes of Eptopic pregnancy?
- Blocked Fallopian tube
- Damaged Fallopian tube
- endometriosis -> cells from the lining of the uterus grow outside of the uterus.
- smoking
- Assisted reproductive technology
- Hormonal imblances
- mechanical birth control ( the coil)
What are the symptoms of Eptopic pregnancy?
- abdominal and/or pelvic pain
- vaginal bleeding -> different from a normal period.
- pain in the tip of the shoulder
- discomfort when urinating or having a shit
- missed period
- pale skin, sweating, feeling tired, sore breasts or feeling unwell.
management of Eptopic pregnancy?
Medication or surgery to remove the fertilized egg before it rupture the Fallopian tube.
Medication = Methotrexate -> injection that stops the pregnancy from growing. Most common treatment for early eptopic pregnancies. This is not an option if the mother is breastfeeding or has certain health conditions/taking certain medications including NSAID’s.
- Laparoscopy = keyhole surgery that involves making a small incision into the abdomen and inserting a camera and instruments to remove the pregnancy. MOST COMMON SURGICAL TREATMENT.
- laparotomy = An open cut in the lower abdomen that may be necessary if there is heavy bleeding or a rupture. this is usually performed in emergencies only.