Week 4 - Hearing Flashcards
The nature of sound
- cause by changes in air pressure
- pressure waves characterised by
amplitude: loudness
frequency: pitch
phase: position within a cycle - pure tone (sine wave) is the simplest sound wave
Loudness of common sounds
Space shuttle launch - 180dB
loudest rock band - 160dB
pain threshold - 140dB
loud thunder - 120dB
loudest recorded shout - 111dB
Heavy traffic noise - 100dB
Vacuum cleaner - 80dB
Normal conversation - 60dB
quiet office - 40dB
soft whisper - 20dB
Threshold of hearing - 0dB
Inner ear - Cochlea
contains auditory sensory receptors
- oval window (smaller than eardrum to amplify soundwaves)
- membrane covering opening in the cochlea
- stapes attached directly to the oval window
- filled with watery liquid that responds to vibrations from middle ear
Complex sounds
- built up from series of sine waves of varying amplitude, frequency and phas
- can decompose complex sounds into their sine waves through a process called Fourier analysis
- lowest frequency is called the fundamental
- made up of harmonics - integer multiples of the fundamental
Human hearing range
20-20000 Hz
typical vocal range 80-1100 Hz
The outer ear
- increases the sound amplitude
- helps determine the direction from which a sound is coming
External auditory canal:
- provides protection
- increases the sound amplitude
- vibrates in response to sound waves
- moves bones in the middle ear
The middle ear - Ossicles
- Malleus
- Incus
- Stapes
smallest bones in the human body that transmit the vibration of the eardrum into the cochlea through lever action. They also provide protection against high amplitude sounds
Canals in the cochlea
- vestibular canal
- tympanic canal
- cochlear duct
seperated by Reissner’s and Basilar membrane that vibrate in response to vibrations of the oval window
Inner ear - hair cells
Vibrate from the basilar membrane. Converts vibrations into neural signals.
- Basilar membrane is about 30mm long and varies in stiffness and width along its length
- tuned to different ranges of frequency according to the location along the basilar membrane
Central Auditory Pathways
- Nerve fibres from each cochlea synapse in a number of sites on the way to the primary auditory cortex
- The signal arriving at the cochlear nucleus splits and goes to each of the superior olivary nuclei
Auditory tasks that can be performed without auditory cortex being present?
- the onset of sound
- changes in sound intensity
- changes in sound frequency
Auditory tasks that cannot be performed without the cortex?
- discriminating the pattern of several tones
- discriminating the duration of sounds
- localising sounds in space
The auditory cortex
deals with complex auditory tasks while lower structures deal with simple aspects of sound
Frequency coding
- sounds are made up of a mixture of sine wave components
- the auditory system isolates and identifies the frequencies of these components
- travelling waves move along the basilar membrane and peak at different points depending on the frequency of the sound
Binaural pitch encoding
structures beyond the cochlear nucleus should be contributing to pitch perception
Human auditory range
Mechanisms of loudness perception
- overall firing rates
- range of firing
more neurons fire when a sound is more intense
Factors that effect loudness perception
- sound duration (longer = louder)
- frequency (high frequency sounds are perceived to be louder)
- 3000-5000 Hz are perceived to be the loudest
- as amplitude goes up, frequency becomes smaller
Auditory space perception
sound is determined by:
- horizontal direction
- vertical direction
- distance
- vision is more precise when detecting an objects location
How do we localise sounds
binaural process
- interaural time difference (onset difference and phase difference)
- interaural intensity difference
Interaural time difference
- Unless a sound is directly in front of or behind you, it reaches two ears at different times (onset difference)
- onset difference detected by ‘delay line’ mechanism in the brain
Interaural Intensity difference
sound should be more intense in the ear closer to the sound source
- energy of sound decreases as it travel farther
- head is a barrier that reduces intensity of sound (sound shadow), this is more obvious in high-frequency sounds
Frequency effects of auditory space perception
- interaural time difference is useful for localising low-frequency sounds
- interaural intensity difference is useful for localising high-frequency sounds
- neither cue works for neutral sounds (1000-3000 Hz)
Horizontal vs vertical direction
- horizontal directions better than vertical through auditory cues
- pinnae more effective in distinguishing front/back than above/below
- ear positions are more freely varied along horizontal dimensions (ears are on horizontal plane, head movement better on horizontal dimension)