Week 4: Focusing Your Question and Choosing a Design Flashcards
The process by which a researcher strives to define variables by putting them in measurable terms
Overall, this concept refers to the idea that your measurements and methodology allow you to capture what you think you are trying to measure or study
The idea that an investigation or measurement tool should yield consistent findings if researchers use the same procedures and method repeatedly
The concept that researchers can test whether the hypothesis or claim can be proven wrong
An important step in formulating your research project is crafting a specific and ____________ that will guide your investigation
From a Testable Hypothesis
There must be a way to know whether your hypothesis is false, that is, if the videos do not boost intelligence
Ensure Your Hypothesis is Falsifiable
A concept of Piaget’s (a cognitive developmental psychologist) that refers to a process where internal mental structures take in new information and fit it in with existing structures (schemas)
A concept of Piaget’s (a cognitive developmental psychologist) that refers to a process where internal mental structures change as a function of maturation and taking in new information
A test of implicit cognition that measures participants’ reaction time to investigate the strength of association between people’s mental representation
Implicit Association Test
A clearly specified definition of your variables, stated in observable and measurable terms
Operational definition
The use of numerical data and statistical techniques to examine questions of interest. Or, research that results in data can be numerically measured
Quantitative research
The assignment of participants to different conditions in an experiment by methods that rely on chance and probability so that potential biases related to assignment to conditions are removed
Random assignment
In an experimental design, the set of participants that receives the intervention or treatment with the goal of determining whether the treatment impact the outcome
Experimental group
In an experimental design, the set of participants who do not receive the experimental treatment (or who receive an inert version). This group is compared with the experimental group
Control group
A variable manipulated by the experimenter to observe its effect on a dependent variable
Independent variable
The factor of interest being measured in the experiment that changes in response to manipulation of the independent variable
Dependent variable
A measure of the degree to which the conclusions drawn from a research study can be applied to real-life situations
Ecological validity
A group of research approaches that do not attempt to manipulate or control the environment, but rather involve the researcher using a systematic technique to examine what is already occurring.
Non-experimental Methods
In a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables, both variables can act as the causal variable. For example, higher intelligence may cause one to be in a higher socio-economic bracket and being in a higher socio-economic bracket may cause one’s intelligence to increase; the effect goes both ways
Research that results in data that are non-numerical and are analyzed for meaning or patterns
Qualitative research
A theoretical perspective that examines how participants derive meaning from their lived experiences
Social Constructionism
A theoretical perspective that seeks to explore and understand how individuals are shaped and experienced through cultural and social norms
Post-structural feminism
Research that uses both quantitative and qualitative data within a single study
Mixed methods research
A mixed methods research design that first collects and analyzes qualitative data then uses these findings to inform the quantitative data collection
Exploratory design