Week 4 - cognitive biases Flashcards
why is it important to think about biases?
we want construct equivalence when doing research
construct equivalence (2)
o Agreement on conceptual unit and measurement method for a meaningful comparison between cultures
o You want to make sure how the cultures understand concepts before you test them
Biases might threaten these concepts
response bias (3)
o Bias: deviation, preconception, distortion
o Statistics: impurity, deviation from the expectation
o Social psychology: subconscious preference
cognitive biases (5)
halo effect mere exposure effect anchoring visual priming stereotypes/cultural bias
why do we have cognitive biases?
the brain tries to be efficient
- what are they?
- what is the consequence?
- why do we need to be aware of them?
Heuristics: intuitive, rapid, automatic
Consequence: inaccurate measurement
You need to be aware of these when doing research because your measures might be inaccurate
halo effect
the perception of a single characteristic influences the perception of different characteristics of the person or object
mere exposure effect
people develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them
start from an intial value and adjust
different starting point = different estimates, biased toward the initial values
visual priming
visual exposure influencing your exposure to another stimulus
stereotyping/culutral bias
assessments in which we attribute characteristics to individuals on the basis of their membership to a certain group
what is the IAT?
implicit association test
can be used to test for stereotypes
faster response for stereotypical associations indicates atrong implicit association
WEIRD bias
research is often conducted among western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic people
answer biases (5)
- Extreme response behaviour
- Acquiescent response behaviour
- Socially desirable
- Self-overestimation
- Reference group effect
Johnson et al. (2005)
relationship between answer style and cultural dimension