Week 4 Flashcards
MAB vs UNESCO nature World Heritage site
MAB: Man and the Biosphere. It is also UNESCO, but is about how people interact with the nature around them. enhancing the relationship between people and their environments
MAB: 700 areas in over 120 countries
relates to: natural resource paradigm no. 2 that it is interdisciplinary
Holwerd aspired labels/certifications
- MAB: plan to get status in Holwerd in 2020
- Dark sky community label (e.g. Niue, Fulda Germany)
- ## holwerd as a “blue zone” – oceans as more liveable places and marketable as such. Blue zones regions of the world where, it is claimed, a higher than usual number people live much longer than average (e.g. Sardinia, Okinawa)
Wadden Sea trinational cooperation timeline:
1978: first wadden sea conference to strengthen cooperation. Not an early adopter of cross border cooperation compared to Europe
1997: trilateral wadden sea plan
2001: wadden sea forum
2009: German and NL side become unesco heritage
2014: danish side becomes unesco site
“Protect and Prosper in the Wadden Sea”
- funded by the EU via the Interreg IV B North Sea Program
- split into five different work packages (kind of like goals):
Work Package 1: Project Management
Work Package 2: Publicity and Communications
Work Package 3: Sustainable Tourism Strategy
Work Package 4: Development of sustainable tourism offers
Work Package 5: Promotion and Marketing of the Wadden Sea
- helps regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy.
- it is co-funding (not just free money!!) the applicants also have to provide funding – proves they really want it too. provides up to 85% of funding
- funds PROWAD
- Main funding/cooperation targets: 1. Public authorities – local, regional and national
2. Managing authorities/intermediate bodies - in charge of the Investment for Growth and Jobs programmes or European Territorial Cooperation
3. Agencies, research institutes, thematic and non-profit organisations (not main target group though) - you and your partners must identify a common interest and then work together for 3-5 years.
- conditions during participation: 1. Produce an action plan
2. Set up a stakeholder group
3. Participate in the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Institutional asymmetry
the misalignment between formal and informal institutions
misalignment is also CULTURAL not just STRUCTURAL
–> how do people in different countries come to a joint decision? this may differ
e.g. In some places there is no corresponding agency to talk to — e.g. German state level administration has no danish equivalent because it is all bottom up. can also be within a country.
relates to: Milne and Ateljevic- tourism as a multi-scalar phenomenon. even between scales things are split up, e.g. multiple regional stakeholders and organizations.
You are in direct competition e.g. different hotels, but at the same time you need to collaborate to develop the area and make it attractive
co-opetition on a national level: marketing things are usually nationally based, but they should collaborate so that they can attract people collectively (e.g. to the Wadden Sea). On the other hand, the different stakeholders (in this case countries) are still in competition.