week 3 online Flashcards
types of purpose of measurement
whats discriminative measurement
attempts to differentiate between two or more groups of people
whats predictive measurement
attempts to classify people into a set of predefined measurement categories for purpose of estimating prognosis.: use criteria to classify individuals to predict a certain trait in comparison to set criteria. For example, a predictive tool can measure skills underlying driving performance to predict whether an older adult will be able to successfully return to driving.
whats evaluative meansuremetnn
: pertains to measurement of changing an individual or group over time
whats descriptive measurement
pertains to efforts to obtain a clinical picture or baseline of persons skills
what do measurements enable therapists to do
Enables therapists to:
- quantify attributes of individuals in a standardised way
- Make comparisons about performance or capacity across individuals or groups of individuals.
- Document how an individual performance has changed over time and across performance contexts.
whats an assessments
the process of determining the meaning of a measurement
whats the four types of assessment
- non standardised
- standardised
- Criterion reference where the client is graded in terms of some behavioural standard
- Norm referenced where the client is compared to a group of other people who have taken the same measure
whats evaluations
the process of determining the worth of something in relation to established benchmarks using assessment information. Process of obtaining and interpreting information needed for intervention planning ad effectiveness review
whats re-evaluation
: process of critical analysis of client response to intervention. Enables the therapist to assess the clients response to clients intervention and to collaborate with the client to determine changes to the intervention plan.
whats screening
a quick review of the clients situation to determine if an OT evaluated is warranted. Typically a hands off process
whats testing
a systematic procedure for observing a persons behaviour and describing it with the aid of a numerical scale or category system.
whats types of testing
- Observation
- Interview/ history
- Review records/ survey
- Paper and pencil test
- Oral tests
- Apparatus tests requiring equipment
- Performance tests requiring participant to perform nonverbal task
- Online test where individuals answer questions
why do we need to assess
For practice to be effective one must demonstrate and document its effectiveness. To demonstrate and document effectives one must measure.
whats evidence based practice
The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients”. The integration of best research evidence available, clinical experience and patient values
whats non standardised assessment
do not follow a standard approach or protocol and may contain data collected from interviews, questionaries and observation of performance
whats standardised assessment
: developed using prescribed procedures and are administered and scored in a consistent manner under the same conditions and test directions.
whats criterion referenced assessment
client performance is assessed against a set of predetermined standards. Based on a predetermined set of criteria eg HD= 90% up D = 70 to 80% etc.
whats pros and cons to criterion referenced assessment
1. Set minimum performance expectations.
2. Demonstrate what clients can and cannot do in relation to important content area standards.
1. Sometimes its hard to know just where to set boundary conditions
2. Lack of comparison data with other clients and or agencies
whats norm referenced assessment
client performance is assessed relative to the other students. Based upon the assumption of a standard normal distribution. Eg. Top10% of people get an A next 20 % get a B.
whats pros and cons to norm referenced assessment
1. Ensures a “spread” between top and bottom of the client for clear grade setting.
2. Shows client performance relative to group.
1. In a group with great performance, some will be ensured an “F” or failing result
2. Top and bottom performances can sometimes be very close.
3. Dispenses with absolute criteria for performance.
4. Being above average does not necessarily imply “A” performance.
whats operational definitions
: instructions given to the tester about exactly what to observe, precise procedure to follow crucial for reliability, accuracy and consistency
wats types of scoring
- Checklist
- Rating scale
- Graph
- Counting performance of specific task
- Developmental milestones
- Time taken to complete a specific task
whats different administaiont format
- ask performance or observation
- Self report
- Proxy or caregiver report
- Mode of report: face to face interview, telephone or mailed questionnaire
- Online completion of items, tasks or answering questions
define reliabilty
: consistency & repeatability of the results obtained when a scale is administered on more than one occasion by the same researcher using a measure.
whats random error and systematic error
Random error: represented by inconsistencies that cannot be predicted eg fatigue
Systematic error: predictable fluctuations occurring during measurement.
wast intra-rater reliabilty
: the degree to which scores on a measure obtained by one trained observer agree with the scores obtained on two or more trails.