Week 3 Lecture Flashcards
Describe the hierarchy of a top down assessment.
- the meaning of occupation and its importance to creating and an individual’s occupational identity at the top
- the function of purpose of the occupation in the individual’s life, the form that those occupations take
- the occupational performance components
will the scores be consistent btwn different therapists
inter-rater reliability
Name 8 criteria for selecting an assessment.
- population addressed
- what is measured
- standardization
- reliability
- validity
- norms
- population
- length of time to administer and score
- equipment needed
a standard method of administering and scoring the instrument is clearly determined.
consistency of the instrument’s measures
the extent to which an instrument measures what it says it measures; will the results support the conclusions you want to make?
scores are compiled from a specific population and allows you to compare your client’s score to the avg for that group.
Name 3 assumptions of MOHO.
- ppl have a fundamental and neurologically based need for action and doing. this need is the dominant source of motivation for participation in occupation.
- ppl are continuously impacted by input from one’s environment.
- the client’s environment, context, and situation influence how the person variables (volitions, habituation, performance capacity) will inter-relate with each other.
the degree to which one sustains a pattern of occupational participation that represents one’s occupational identity.
occupational competence
exploration, competence, achievement
helplessness, incompetence, inefficacy
Describe the Occupational Circumstances Assessment Interview and Rating Scale version 4.0 (OCAIRS)
- semi-structured interview and rating scale based on MOHO concepts
- elicits self-eval
- estimated 20-30 mins to administer and 15 mins to score and interpret.
Name the 12 MOHO areas in which the questions of the OCAIRS are organized into.
- roles
- habits
- personal communications
- values
- interests
- skills
- short-term goals
- long-term goals
- interpretation of past experiences
- physical environment
- readiness to change
What is the 4 point rating scale of the OCAIRS?
Describe the OCAIRS 4 point rating scale.
F - facilitates participation in occupation
A - allows participation in occupation
I - inhibits participation in occupation
R - restricts participation in occupation
Describe the Role Checklist.
- appropriate to use with adolescents, adults and the elderly with physical or psychosocial dysfunction.
- 15 mins to administer
- 10 roles are provided in the eval form but a space is allowed for other
- client is asked to fill out a form identifying roles that they performed in the past, roles that they perform now and roles that they hope to perform in the future.
- part 2 of the eval the client is asked to place a value on each role - “not at all valuable, somewhat valuable, very valuable.
What 2 things is the role checklist eval used to reveal.
- role incumbency
- discontinuity in role performance
Describe the NPI Interest Checklist.
- gathers data about a person’s interest patterns and characteristics.
- questionnaire that client can complete independently
- lists 80 activities, client asked to rate as casual, strong, or nonexistent.
- addresses how person spends leisure time.
Describe the Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluation Scale (COTE Scale).
- time required to administer: 5-20 mins
- for use in short-term, acute-care psychiatric facilities.
- scale defines 26 behaviors that occur in and are particularly relevant to the practice of OT.
- high inter-rater reliability
Describe the hierarchy of the decision tree assessment process.
-the order moves from easiest to change to hardest to change (environment down to physical)
Name 3 methods of choosing the best sources of info.
- direct observation of performance in the correct environment.
- self report
- proxy report
Name an issue associated with self-reports.
Name 3 issues associated with proxy reports.
accuracy, denial, over-nurturing
What is the issue with the COTE scale?
doesn’t have behavior description criteria so it can be difficult to score.