Week 3 Flashcards
UMOS is required to report to assigned district surgeon at next regular office hours EXCEPT:
C: Category B U: Unable to travel F: Friday or Saturday D: Dental problems \+: Medical Divison supervisor
Do not leave residence or authorized location for ENTIRE SICK OCCURRENCE without permission of Department surgeon or Sick Desk Supervisor IF:
Chronic A or B Modified assignment Dismissial Probation Suspension Surgeon deems necessary
9 Reasons when Administrative Sick is NOT authorized
S-upervisor determines inappropriate L-ate (calls less than 2 hours) L-ine of Duty Illness or Injury I-njury C-hronic B M-utual
M-ajor Illness
D-ental Problems
+ Stress Related/Psychological
What will designate as a Chronic Category A and Category B sick?
A: 4 or more times within a 12 month period
B: 6 or more times within a 12 month period
4 or more times within a 12 month period AND loses 40 or more work days
Investigating Supervisor will interview witnesses for LOD injury and ensure preparation of what paperwork
(Witness Statement for MOS and Non-MOS)
MOS: Line of Duty Injury Reporting System witness statement
Non-MOS: Witness Statement - Injury to Member of the Department
UMOS whose duties does not involve enforcement activity will NOT prepare Officer Profile Report
Community Affairs Officer
Traffic Safety Officer
Crime Prevention Coordinator
Auxiliary Police Coordinator
Reasons to appeal your evaluation
Factual error
Rater’s misinterpretation of instructions
Bias or prejudice on the part of the rater
Performance evaluation is completed and based upon OTHER THAN performance factors
Pregnancy related sickness will not automatically be valid reasons for pregnancy related absence
Nausea (morning sickness) Lower back pain Mild leg swelling Fatigue Other conditions limited to few days
Who do you notify upon receipt of a notice to appear for jury duty?
Roll Call Personnel and Immediate Supervisor
Who do you notify when jury duty conflicts with other Department scheduled court appearances?
Commanding Officer and Appearance Control Unit
When a member of service is located, who will the Commanding Officer/Duty Captain notify?
Internal Affairs
Sick Desk Supervisor
Patrol Borough Command
What are the 5 days you can only choose one as an IVD?
L-abor Day T-hanksgiving Day N-ew Years Day I-ndependence Day C-hristmas Day
When a UMOS is unaccounted for 4 hours, who will the Desk Officer inform to locate the UMOS?
Operations Unit
Who will be required to notify Operations Unit and then Operations Unit Supervisor will notify the Sick Desk Supervisor to request the Trauma Counseling Team?
Desk Officer
A UMOS must submit a new OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION/NOTIFICATION to report change in the status of employment and must submit a renewal APPLICATION for continuing off-duty employment beyond each 12 month period at least how many days prior to the expiration of currently approved request?
10 days
What should a UMOS do when he/she want to request a volunitary drug screening test that consists of both hair and urine analysis.
Prepare a TYPED LETTERHEAD and address it to Chief of Personnel or designee
Who will a UMOS file for grievance to and within how long?
UMOS can file for grievance to the Commanding Officer either orally or in writing within 90 days of occurrence