week 3 Flashcards
Ilex verticillata
winterberry holly
Leaves: Alternate, simple. elliptic-obovate, acuminate, spiny
Buds & Stems: small, imbricate brown buds. olive to purple-brown stems, glabrous lenticelled, half ellipse leaf scar.
Fruit: berry-like round drupe, grow in august, persist through winter. grow in pairs or clusters
Flowers: small, yellowish, grow along stem
Bark: dark grey to dark brown
Habit: multi-stemmed, dense stems with rounded top
Notes: a deciduous holly
Myrica pensylvanica
northern bayberry
Leaves: alternate, simple, glabrous dark green. leaves face upwards.
Buds & Stems: small solitary sessile buds. stout round green stems
Fruit: waxy drupe, grayish blue fruits, dioecious.
Flowers: males produce flowers on catkins, yellowish-green
Habit: upright rounded & dense shrub. suckers, forms large colonies
Notes: semi evergreen in warmer zones, deciduous locally
Betula nigra
river birch
Leaves: alternate, simple. doubly and deeply serrated margins, sharp point, wedge base. smaller than papyrifera. med to dark green
Buds & Stems: imbricate buds, small, somewhat appressed, chestnut brown.
Fruit: small nutlet from long catkins that appear in sets of 3.
Bark: young stems have a salmon-cream, orange brown color, light reddish brown and cinnamon, peeling freely. older trunks break up into plate-like scales.
Habit: pyramidal to oval habit in youth, can be multi-stemmed.
Sambucus canadensis
Leaves: opposite, compound oddly pinnate leaves. 7 leaflets, oblong accuminate, sharply serrate. lowest pair of leaflets 2-3 lobed. dark green
Buds & Stems: small, terminal lacking, brown scaled buds, single or multiple.
Fruit: purple-black
Notes: caprifolaceae family
Vaccinium corymbosum
highbush blueberry
Leaves: Alternate, simple. ovate to elliptic, cuneate, dark green. short, red-pink petiole, curved venation.
Buds & Stems: green stem on new growth goes to gray
Fruit: blueberries! green to reddish to blue-black
Flowers: white- pinkish urn shaped flowers
Habit: upright, multi-stemmed, compact & dense
Lindera benzoin
Leaves: alternate, simple, oblong-obovate, short acute tip. cuneate base, light green, rounded veins. yellow fall color
Buds & Stems: small superposed buds in clusters. zig-zag stems
Fruit: oblong small red drupe, hang from short stems
Flowers: yellow dioecious flowers, small, grow in clusters
Habit: rounded shrub that is more open & loose in the wild
Notes: fragrant spice when leaves are crushed
Quercus bicolor
swamp white oak
Leaves: Alternate, simple. oblong ovate, shallow sinuses. rounded margins, mostly but not always lobed
Buds & Stems: imbricate, ovate, chestnut brown
Fruit: 1” acorn, paired, ivolucre(cap) covered in pointed scales, light brown skin
Bark: flaky grayish brown, deep longitudinal fissures
Habit: massive, towering tree
Liquidambar styraciflua
Leaves: star shaped, palmate venation, finely serrate. alternate simple. light green to scarlet red in fall
Buds & Stems: ovate, conical, imbricate, reddish green-brown
Fruit: syncarp of dehiscent capsules (spiked balls)
Bark: deeply furrowed w/ ridges, grayish brown
Habit: strong pyramidal habit, rounded in maturity
Acer rubrum
red maple
Leaves: triangular ovate lobes. simple, opposite. red petiole. sometimes 5 lobes, often more goosefoot shaped.
Buds & Stems: terminal large imbricate rounded red buds
Fruit: 2 red samaras, v-shaped
Flowers: red!
Bark: smooth gray in youth, forms plates that peel easily in maturity, exposes orangish brown inner bark
Notes: always something red! turns colors early
Populus deltoides
cottonwood, eastern poplar
Leaves: alternate simple, squarish flattened petiole. broad deltoid ovate leaves. coarsely crennate-dentate margins
Buds & Stems: imbricate terminal buds, conical acute, chestnut brown. stems are yellowish green to brown, resinous. wartish prominent leaf scars
Fruit: 3-4 dehiscent capsules, downy seed produce “cotton” look
Flowers: penulous catkin
Bark: deeply furrowed
Habit: pyramidal in youth, broad vase shape in maturity, massive, spreading branches
Nyssa sylvatica
black tupelo
Leaves: ovate, alternate simple, red petiole, rounded cuneate base, accuminate tip. glossy dark green to bright red in fall.
Buds & Stems: imbricate ovoid buds, purplish-grey stems, leaves in bundle traces of 3.
Fruit: olive shaped blue drupes
Bark: furrowed grey “alligator” bark
Habit: twisted horizontal branches
Clethra alnifolia
pepperbush, summersweet
Leaves: alternate, simple ovate-oblong. serrate at tip, smooth margin closer to cuneate base
Buds & Stems: small brown, loosely scaled buds; brown stems
Fruit: small dehiscent capsules grow along raceme, resemble peppercorns
Flowers: perfect, white 5 petaled flower, grow along upright racemes
Habit: multistem suckering, dense & leafy, oval rounded top
Notes: sweet aroma in summer
Swida sericea
redtwig dogwood
Leaves: opposite simple, ovate to oblong, rounded base,
Buds & Stems: terminal flower buds, appressed vegetative buds. slender bright red stems
Fruit: round white drupe
Flowers: white flowers on cymes
Habit: loose & broad-spreading multistem shrub
Swida racemosa
grey dogwood
Leaves: opposite simple, narrow elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, accuminate tip, cuneate base
Buds & Stems: reddish brown young stems
Fruit: whitish blue drupe, fruit stems very visible after dropping fruit
Flowers: white cymose pannicles
Bark: old stems grey
Habit: multi-stemmed suckering bush
Alnus rugosa
speckled alder
Leaves: alternate, simple. ovate, dull dark green. irregular doubly & coarse serration. somewhat wrinkled
Buds & Stems
Fruit: long catkins in bunches
Bark: speckled bark w/white lenticels
Habit: bush or small tree
Salix alba ‘Tristis’
golden weeping willow
Leaves: alternate simple, lanceolate, accuminate. fine serration, light green, whitish underneath
Buds & Stems: appressed oblong buds. light green-yellow, flexible stems
Fruit: dioecious catkins, male “pussywillows” two-valved capsule containing cottony or silky hairy seeds.
Bark: yellow-brown, corky, ridged & furrowed
Habit: fast growning, large broad canopy, long ascending branches