broadleaf evergreens Flashcards
larix laricina
tamarack, American larch
leaves: light bluish green needles, clustered in whorls from small shoots. deciduous. 12-30 needles per bundle. yellowish in fall
buds & stems: rounded glossy dark red & resinous. needle spurs line twigs in winter.
fruit & flowers: small cones, persistent, egg shaped, gren to purple to straw brown
bark: young bark: thin & smooth; mature bark scaly, thick grey to reddish brown
habit: 40-80’, 15-30’ spread. slender trunk, horizontal branches drooping branchlets
notes: hardy to zone 1
Ilex glabra
leaves: simple, alternate, 3/4-2”. glossy dark green, oblanceolate, serrations near tip. leaves point upwards
buds & stems: slender green & powdery stem. pubescent early, glabrous on older stems. retains green color
fruit & flowers: small white flowers, 3 or more borne together. fruit a dark blue-black drupe, ppersistent on male plant
habit: 6-8’ in height, up to 10’ spread. upright, many branched, erect & rounded. loses lower leaves w/ age
notes: dioecious, hardier than ilex crenata
Ilex x meserveae
Meserve holly; blue holly
leaves: alternate, simple. leathery, spiny & thick. slightly impressed veins, blue-green leaves
buds & stems: reddish purple w/ ridges, like a pencil
fruit & flowers: red berries in clusters on females
habit: 6-8’ in height, often a low shrub
notes: dioecious
Buxus microphylla
littleleaf box; boxwood
leaves: simple, opposite to subopposite, 1/3-1”. glossy green, obovate- lance obovate, entire margin. white stripe underneath, notch at leaf apex. yellow-green to brown in winter
buds & stems: small solitary buds. square stem, grooved between leaf pairs
fruit & flowers: fruit a 3 celled capsule, flowers apetalous clusters, not showy but fragrant
habit: shrub, compact round form, up to 4’. often a short hedged shrub
notes: Buxaceae, asian introduction
Ilex crenata
Japanese holly; boxleaved holly
leaves: alternate, simple, small 1/2-1 1/4”. very fine serrations from base to tip. leaf is convex (cupped).
buds & stems: stems are green on current season’s growth, grey-green to grey-brown on mature stems
fruit & flowers: dioecious, small flowers greenish white, 3-7 flowers per cyme
habit: 5-10’, variable spread, dense & multibranched
notes: resembles boxwood but is alternately arranged
Ilex opaca
American holly
leaves: alternate, simple, 1 1/2- 3 1/2” dark green & yellow below. spiked serrations, glossy dull green color
buds & stems:
fruit & flowers: fruit a dull red persistent drupe in clusters, flower is white on small cymes
bark: smooth with warty protrusions, olive green
habit: dense pyramidal in youth, a tree type holly. high branching conical to irregular in maturity. can grow up to 50’, usually 15-30’. needs shelter from wind & sun in winter
Rhododendron maximum
rosebay rhododendron
leaves: 5-10” leaves whorled at end of stem. green ablove, cream/rust color on underside
buds & stems: largest bud, resembles an artichoke. pointed bracts form ‘crown’ at base
fruit & flowers: fruit a dehiscent capsule, brown & persistent. flower rose color to purple to white
habit: 4-15’
notes: blooms last in spring
Rhododendron catawbiense
Catawba rhododendron
leaves: whorls at stem ends, alternate, simple. elliptic to oblong, 3-6”, rounded base
buds & stems: large bud, yellow-green, pointed & scaly
fruit & flowers: white-pink flowers, 2 1/2” across, borne on 5-6” raceme, May-June. same fruit as maximum
habit: leggy irregular branching habit, 6-10’, 5-8’ spread
notes: zone 4-8
Rhododendron carolinianum (R. minus)
Carolina rhododendron
leaves: 2-3” leaves, alternate, simple. cluster at end of stems. acutish, broad cuneate. small speckles on underside of leaf, dark green & glabrous above. can take purplish tinge in cold weather
buds & stems: rounder flower bud, glabrous deep red-purple.
fruit & flowers: white to pale rose, borne in terminal 4-10 flower raceme
habit: 3-6’, small rounded shrub
notes: leaves curl in cold weather (thermotropism)
Leucothoe fontanesiana
drooping leucothoe
leaves: alternate, simple, 2-5” lanceolate long accuminate, rounded base. rigid, fine serrations. leathery lustrous dark green above, lighter below. fine hairs along leaf margin
buds & stems: green stems on new growth, axillary reddish buds
fruit & flowers: white urn shaped flowers on pendulous racemes. fruit a small capsule
bark: reddish purple on mature stems
habit: droopin mass of branches, long stems, masses easily. “fountain” habit
notes: Ericaceae
Rhododendron obtusum
Hiryu azalea
leaves: small leaves, alternate, simple, whorled at stem end, glossy green, light pubescence
buds & stems:
fruit & flowers: flowers reddish violet, funnel shaped, 1-3 per truss. profuse flowers in mid may
habit: short, spreading & dense, 4-6’
Pieris japonica
Japanese pieris
leaves: alternate, simple, obovate-oblong, crenate-serrate. lustrous dark green above, light green below. bronze colored on new growth. finely serrated margin
buds & stems:
fruit & flowers: urn shaped white flowers in drooping clusters. fruit a 5-valved dehiscent capsule on drooping panicles
habit: upright shrub w/ stiff spreading branches, 4-6’, “haystack” shape. 8-12’ spread, larger than native pieris
Kalmia latifolia
mountain laurel
leaves: alternate, sometimes opposite or whorled & clustered. simple, evergreen & glossy. entire margin. elliptic-lanceolate, cuneate base. acute to acuminate.
buds & stems: unique distinct flower buds. new stems chestnut colored & sticky
fruit & flowers: white-pink 4-6” flowers. fruit a small capsule, persistent through winter
bark: gnarly, grey brown striated to ridged & furrowed
habit: 7-15’ average, up to 30’. compact & dense, can form tight thickets. leggier in native habitat. knotty & picturesque with age
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
dawn redwood
leaves: deciduous conifer. opposite arrangement. flattened light green needles. fern like with fine texture. green to golden yellow in fall
buds & stems: small scaled buds in pairs. persistent stems reddish brown, has green deciduous stems
fruit & flowers: pendulous boxy solitary cones, green to dark brown
bark: soft reddish peeling bark, fissured on old growth. unique hollwed branch attachment
habit: 70-100’, pyramidal to conical. fluted character to trunk with prominent root flare. branches point upwards.
Taxodium distichum
leaves: alternately arranged in spirals on branchlets. fine light green needles turn yellow-red to brown in fall
buds & stems: branches more separate than metasequoia
fruit & flowers: spherical cones purplish green - to brown, woody & opened
bark: peeling bark shreds in vertical strips, reddish brown & fibrous. root “knees” form above ground when growing near water
habit: 50-70’, slender & pyramidal, buttressed at base
Pieris floribunda
fetterbush; mountain andromeda
leaves: alternate, simple. elliptic-ovate. lustrous green, slight serration
buds & stems: green downy stems
fruit & flowers: white flowers on upright panicles in april
habit: neat, low, roundish bush, can be used in borders & massings, native to the south but hardy to Zone 5
notes: vs japonica: panicles upright, blooms earlier