successional trees Flashcards
Comptonia peregrina
Leaves: Alternate, simple linear, oblong, deeply pinnatifid. long toothed margin with rounded lobes. pale green.
Buds & Stems: minute, globular, solitary
Fruit & Flowers: green-yellow catkin flowers, fruit a nutlet in burr like bract cluster
Habit: 2-4’ high, suckering wide spreding shrub.
Notes: Myricaceae, related to bayberry. aromatic foliage. can stabilize gravelly soil, does well in shade
Sassafras albidum
Leaves: Alternate, simple, 3-7”. Ovate, 3-lobed, or “mitten” shaped. green-yellow, orange & scarlet fall color
Buds & Stems: terminal solitary, ovoid sessile, 4-6 scales. stems bright yellowish green to reddish
Fruit & Flowers: dioecious yellow flowers on terminal racemes, fruit a dark blue drupe on scarlet pendicel, gives 2 color appearance
Bark: dark red-brown, deep ridges & furrows. greenish flaking bark in youth
Habit: pyramidal, irregular shrub in youth, many short sympodial branches
Notes: develops in suckering colonies in margins. can have a unique “fruit loop” scent. difficult to transplant
Rhus aromatica
fragrant sumac
Leaves: trifoliate, alternate. triangular shape with oblique rounded base, coarsely toothed, accuminate tip. dark green with bright red fall color. 2 subsessile leaves are smaller
Buds & Stems: buds small, yellow, pubescent, covered by leaf scar
Fruit & Flowers: red hairy drupes in clusters on female, yellowish catkin flowers on male
Bark: slender stems are fragrant when bruised
Habit: spreading groundcover, irregular growth, can spread 6-10’
Rhus typhina
staghorn sumac
Leaves: alternate, pinnately compound, oddly pinnate, oppositely arranged. lanceolate leaflets, accuminate, bright green. pubescent along rachis. 13-27 leaflets. leaves droop along rachis
Buds & Stems: fuzzy buds hidden in c shaped leaf scar. green to reddish pubescence on stems
Fruit & Flowers: hairy crimson drupes packed in large upright pannicle, male plant has white flowers
Bark:stout rounded stems, arching & horizontal, brownish & hairy
Habit: irregular shape with arching crown, a loose shrub or skinny tree.
Notes: spreads via root suckers, needs full sun. milky sap comes from stems
Juniperus virginiana
eastern red cedar
Leaves: scale like leaves, 4 racks close pressed & overlapped; can also be spiny awls
Buds & Stems:
Fruit & Flowers: small blue “berries” actually a type of cone
Bark: red & brown fragrant wood, shredded appearance
Habit: 30-40’, pyramidal & dense in youth, sometimes columnar
Notes: does well in poor soils, not a true cedar
Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Japanese creeper, Boston Ivy
Leaves: alternate simple. 3 lobes, palmate venation. lustrous dark green to deep scarlet in fall
Buds & Stems: similar to virginia creeper, shorter stems, squarish
Fruit & Flowers: dark blue fruit with red stems
Bark: see P. quinquefolia
Habit: climbing creeper vine
Notes: not a true ivy
Ligustrum vulgare
European privet
Leaves: opposite, simple. dark green glossy, lanceolate-ovate, entire margin
Buds & Stems: leaf pairs rotate 90° on stem. stem is round, smooth, appressed brown/green buds
Fruit & Flowers: fruit a black berry like drupe, flowers are white and stinky “cat piss”
Habit: hedge or open growth shrub, irregular dense spread of branches
Notes: oleaceae
Lonicera tatarica
Tatarian honeysuckle
Leaves: opposite, simple, entire margin ovate-ovate lanceolate, acute to accuminate, bluish green, round to subcordate base, curved venation, short petiole
Buds & Stems: buds small flattened & appressed
green-brown stems, some flaking on older growth.
Fruit & Flowers: pink-white flowers, fruit a small red berry that form in pairs.
Habit: upright strong multistem habit, arching upper branches, dense & twiggy, vase shaped
Notes: considered a weed
Betula populifolia
grey birch
Leaves: simple, alternate, doubly serrate. sharply accuminate & triangular
Buds & Stems: resinous scaled bud, brown & pointed. lenticelled slender reddish-brown stems
Fruit & Flowers: male & female catkins,
Bark: whitish grey, horizontal lenticels. upside-down “u” shaped stem scar an important id
Habit: small to medium, will be shaded out. narrow, open conical crown
Notes: does well in poor soils, short-lived, 15-20 years
Pinus strobus
white pine
Leaves: needles always in fascicles of 5, soft & pliable. white line (stoma) along it’s length.
Buds & Stems: oviod, small sharp pointed bud
Fruit & Flowers: subterminal pendant cone, 8”, cylindrical & curved. strobilus; male pollen structures
Bark: thin, smooth, & greyish, darker with age. stems self-prune, scarring is evident
Habit: youth is pyramidal & symmetrical. can grow to 150’. upward open branching. “weeviling” can create competing leaders
Rhamnus frangula
alder or glossy buckthorn
Leaves: alternate, simple. oval, 1-3” acute tip, round or cuneate base. entire margin, glossy dark green. 8-9 symmetrical vein pairs
Buds & Stems: naked bud. stems have vertical lenticels on new growth, square on old growth
Fruit & Flowers: early red to dark blue drupe, very round. green perfect flower
Bark: smooth & grey
Habit: upright, long arching spreading branches. no thorns present
Notes: considered a weed, hybridizes well in field
Populus tremuloides
quaking aspen
Leaves:alternate, simple, ovate to orbicular. short accuminate tip. flattened petiole at tip. dark green to yellow in fall
Buds & Stems: terminal imbricate bud, reddish brown slender stem
Fruit & Flowers: dioecious catkins
Bark: grey-yellow with horizontal lenticels & vertical fissures. old bark furrowed & dark grey
Habit: 40-50’, narrow & pyramidal
Notes: reproduces clonally, not shade tolerant
Celastrus orbiculatus
oriental bittersweet
Leaves: alternate,simple. obovate, 2-5”, dentate-serrate margins, except at base
Buds & Stems:
Fruit & Flowers: axilary cymes of bell-shaped green flowers. fruit a 3 lobed yellow capsule w/ crimson seed
Bark: orange roots
Habit: twining vine
Notes: a serious weed
Robinia pseudoacacia
black locust
Leaves: alternate, pinnately compound. opposite to subopposite, entire margins. bluish green. 7-19 leaflets, swolled petiole, often point upward
Buds & Stems: slender zig-zag stems, thorns present
Fruit & Flowers: white pannicle flowers, fruit a purplish brown pod, 2-4”
Bark: red-brown to black, deep furrows in scalt interlacing ridges. “corded sweater”
Habit: creates suckering successional stands. upright straight trunk w/ narrow oblong crown, twisted & sprawling
Notes: nitrogen fixer. wood is strong & rot resistant
Rosa multiflora
multiflora rose
Leaves: alternate, compound, oddly pinnate, 5-11 leaflets. obovate-oblong, acute tip, coarsely serrate
Buds & Stems: stems have fine thorns at base of rachis
Fruit & Flowers: fruit a small egg shaped red hip. white single flowers cluster at end of branch
Bark: thorns present of stems
Habit: 3-10’ in height, 10-15’ spread
Notes: considered invasive, native to china
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
virginia creeper, woodbine
Leaves: alternate, palmately compound. 5 leaflets, elliptic with accuminate tips, coarse serration. red petiole. green to scarlet-purple in fall
Buds & Stems:
Fruit & Flowers: bluish drupe w/ red stem structure, flowers greenish white cymes
Bark: light brown & lenticelled
Habit: climbing deciduous vine, tendrils have 4-8 branches
Notes: creeper secretes calcium carbonate as adhesive