trees, week 2 Flashcards
Corylus americana
American filbert, hazelnut
Leaves: Alternate, simple. Oval accuminate short tip. Cordate or rounded at base, doubly serrate. dark green to yellow-green.
Buds & Stems: small imbricate, gray to purplish.
Flowers:monoecious, male catkins long & drooping, similar to birches
Fruit: involucre(whorl of bracts surrounding fruit) a hazelnut!
Bark: reddish gray.
Habit: wide speading, multi-stemmed, round top, open base
Notes: nut bracts are showy and best identifier
Viburnum dentatum
Leaves: opposite simple. coarsely dentate, ovate. dark green
Buds & Stems: imbricate, appressed, greenish brown. V-shaped. leafs scars have ciliate hairs around margins
Flowers: yellow-white cymes (flower clusters)
Fruit: berry like drupe, blueberry-like
Habit: multi-stem, dense rounded, spreading outwards
Notes: Stems are very long & straight. clusters of small white flowers.
Ostrya virginiana
hophornbeam, ironwood
Leaves: Alternate, simple. Oval-lanceolate, accuminate tip, rounded or cordate base, doubly serrate. hairy midrib w/short petiole.
Buds & Stems: imbricate, small, ovate & pointed. shiny or downy. zig-zag stems.
Flowers: abundant staminate catkins.
Fruit. nutlet enclosed in hop-like sac.
Bark: grayish brown, separates into long narrow lacerated strips that free at ends
Habit: small tree, horizontal drooping branches that create a oval crown.
Notes: hop-like nutlet sack biggest identifier. “cat-scratch” bark.
Amalenchier canadensis
shadbush, serviceberry
Leaves: Alternate, simple. elliptic to oblong. fine serration, rounded base. curved veins
Buds & Stems: appressed bud, imbricate, cone-shaped
Flowers: 5 white petals
Fruit: berry- like pome
Bark: grey & mottled w/ shallow fissures
Habit: open structure, upright, suckering, tightly multi-stemmed
Notes: Flowers bloom in early spring, when shad fish are running
Aronia arbutifolia
red chokeberry
Leaves: alternate, simple. small leaves, very fine serration, end in black tips. curved venation. red in fall
Buds & Stems: slender, tomentose(downy) brownish color
Flowers: white flower
fruit: bright red pome, hard to touch
Bark: glossy, amber, brownish
Habit: small, compact, dense round shrub
Notes: berries persist in winter
Hamamelis virginiana
common witchhazel
Leaves: Alternate, simple. irregular attachment at base. obovate-elliptical, crenate dentate margins. green to yellow in fall.
Buds & Stems: naked tongue like wooly buds
Flowers: 3-4 bent stalks on cluster. yellow, sea urchin like. “perfect” flower; stamen & pistil in same structure
Fruit: dehiscant capsule in clusters
Bark: smooth grayish brown
Habit: multi stem, several large branches form irregular crown
Notes: virginiana BLOOMS in FALL
Chionanthus virginicus
white fringetree
Leaves: thick leaves. opposite to subopposite, cluster at stem tips. oblong, cupped petiole( which is brown at the base, “whorled” at tips
Buds & Stems: green-brown stems. small ovoid buds. stem is squarish, often peeling
Flowers: 4 petals, white, many hanging from long drooping pannicles
Fruit: light blue drupe
Bark: gray, smooth when young and ridged and furrowed when mature.
Habit: large shrub or small tree, spreading, open habit.
Crataegus laevigata
English hawthorne
Leaves: simple, alternate. 3 lobed “turkey-foot”. dark glossy green
Buds & Stems: thorns present on stems
Flowers: white-pink, 5 petals, in clusters of 8
Fruit: red berry like drupe
Bark: skinny shredded bark
Habit:shrubby, low-branched, rounded top
Notes: thorns are shorter than washington hawthorn
Cercis canadensis
eastern redbud
Leaves: Alternate, simple. palmate venation, broadly cordate leaf
Buds & Stems: small, blunt, somewhat appressed. Stems red-brown to black, zig-zag. several flowers to a bud.
Flowers: reddish purple or pink, spent blooms visible after dropping. blooms develop all along stem
Fruit: dehiscent legume, brown, 2”-3”
Bark: flaky brownish black
Habit: horizontal, trunk divides close to ground, rounded crown with ascending branches
Cladrastis kentuckea
Leaves: alternate, compound, oddly pinnate, 7-15 leaflets. ovate large leaf with accuminate tip. decrease in size to base of rachis. wide attachment at rachis base. curving venation
Buds & Stems: naked bud, roundish, surrounded by leaf scar
Flowers: pendulous terminal pannicles, white flower
Fruit: brown legume pods in cluster, flat & wide
Bark: reddish w/ small white lenticels in youth, beech like in maturity; smooth & gray w/ small cracks
Habit: low branching with rounded, spreading crown
Oxydendrum arboreum
Leaves: alternate, simple. oblong & ovate, glossy dark green. red in fall
Buds & Stems: small conical scaled buds, stems greenissh red on new growth
Flowers: urn shaped white flowers hang from spreading horizontal pannicles.
Fruit: dehiscent capsule, persistent, first yellow and pendulous, then brown & erect
Bark: deeply furrowed & blocky
Habit: pyramidal in youth, swooping horizontal branches
Notes: notable 2-color look from leaves & fruit structures
Benthamidia florida (Cornus florida)
flowering dogwood
Leaves: opposite, simple. dark green, oval or ovate, abrupt accuminate tip, round base
Buds & Stems: rounded almost blueberry shaped bud
Flowers: 4 bracts, white surround small green flower
Bark: distinct “alligator skin” bark
Fruit: bright red drupe clusters
Habit: sympodial branching. small tree, horizontal, flat-topped crown
Benthamidia japonica (Cornus kousa)
kousa dogwood
Leaves: opposite, simple
Buds & Stems: hershey kiss shaped bud,
Flowers: 4 white bracts
Fruit: strawberry like drupe, pinkish red
Bark: exfoliating scaling “camouflage” bark
Habit: erect & dense, vase shaped
Notes: bracts larger than florida, blooms later. fibers visible after ripping leaf veins
Halesia carolina (Halesia tetraptera)
Carolina silverbell
Leaves: Alternate, simple. dark green, ovate, fine serrations
Buds & Stems: ellipsoid w/ thick brown scales. slender, glabrous stems
Flowers: showy bell-shaped white flowers. drooping needle structure preplaces flower.
Fruit: 4-winged, similar to starfruit
Bark: gray-brown to black, ridged & furrowed, develop into scaly plates
Habit: low branched, narrow top with ascending branches
Crataegus phaenopyrum
Washington hawthorn
Leaves: alternate, simple. 3-5 lobes, sharply serrate, triangular “deltoid” shape. dark green, scarlet purplish in fall.
Buds & Stems: small, rounded. brown slender stems with long thorns
Flowers: small white flowers
Fruit: bright red drupe in clusters of 8+, persist in winter
Bark: gray & flaky
Habit: horizontal branching, dense & thorny
Acer pensylvanicum
goosefoot or striped maple
Leaves: Opposite, simple. 5”-8”, 3 lobes, roundish obovate, lobes pointing forward; “goose-shaped”
Buds & Stems: glabrous, blunt, 2-scaled buds. smooth green to reddish brown stems
Flowers: yellow-green, 5 petals on 4-6” raceme
Fruit: wide angle 2 winged samaras, many hanging from single raceme.
Bark: green and white striped “snake bark”
Habit: large shrub or small tree w/short trunk, arching branches
Hamamelis vernalis
Ozark witch hazel
Leaves: Alternate, simple. coarsely dentate, obovate to oblong, usually low-branching
Buds & Stems:
Flowers: four scraggly-looking petals, various colors
Fruit: dehiscent yellow-green fruit pods drop black seeds
Habit: multistemmed, dense, rounded shrub
Notes: Very similar to virginiana & difficult to differentiate, other than very different bloom times. BLOOMS IN EARLY WINTER