Trees, week 1 Flashcards
Acer saccharum
sugar maple
Leaves: palmate, opposite, simple. coarse toothed, deep lobes, 3-5. dark to gray-green.
Buds & Stems: buds resemble ice cream cones, in 3. egg shaped. leaf scars crescent shaped. Brown stems
Habit: fully developed, open form, shade tolerant
Bark: young bark smooth gray-brown. aged bark has deep furrows and long, irregular, thick shaggy plates.
Fruit: 2 winged samaras, down facing
Betula alleghaniensis
yellow birch
Leaves: ovate, pointed tip, finely double serrated margins, cordate base, short petiole. Simple, Alternate. Dull dark green. 2 leaves per shoot bud
Buds & Stems: imbricate(scaled) buds, often hairy, appressed (grow flat to the twig)
Habit: pyramidal & dense in youth, irregular & wide spread in maturity
Bark: yellowish-bronze on young stems w/ papery shreds, visible horizontal lenticels. mature tree changes to dark gray, peels fall away to irregular plates.
Fruit: erect female catkins, male drooping, fatter than B. lenta
Notes: Faint wintergreen smell in twigs
Carya ovata
shagbark hickory
Leaves: Alternate, Pinnately Compound. 5-7 leaflets per rachis. wide, elliptical, accuminate leaves. deep yellow-green. golden yellow in fall.
Buds & Stems: imbricate terminal buds. ovate & blunt tips. Stems are downy, smooth and shiny, visible lenticels. red-brown. shield shaped leaf scar.
Habit: big tree, 60’-80’, straight cylindrical trunk, oblong crown of ascending and descending branches.
Bark: gray-brown, develops characteristic “shaggy” plates of park that curl away from trunk.
Fruit: hickory nut has 4 sectioned husk
Fraxinus americana
white ash
Leaves: Opposite, Pinnately Compound. 5-9 leaflets, round base, accuminate, dark green.
Buds & Stems: U shaped bud scar. terminal bud present, dark brown. short, stubby bud stems are rounded, shiny, grayish to greenish brown.
Habit: weakly pyramidal in youth, open, round top crown in maturity.
Bark: ash gray to gray-brown, diamond shaped, narrow, vertical ridges.
Fruit: single wing samaras in clusters
Notes: Vs green ash: longer leaf & petiole, samara seeds fatter, wider wing. bark is more furrowed & hard compared to plate-like on green ash. Green ash bud is more pointed
Fagus grandifolia
American beech
Leaves: Alternate, simple, ovate-oblong, coarsely serrate. broadly cuneate at base, coarsely serrate. veins always parallel w/ distinctive points.
Buds & Stems: long, brown, imbricate slender buds. zig-zagging slender grayish brown stems.
Habit: massive, lots of branches
Bark: elephantine smooth grayish bark
Fruit: 3 sided prickly winged beech nut
Notes: very similar to sylvatica, grandifolia has serrated leaves. dead leaves persist through winter
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
green ash
Leaves: Opposite, Pinnately Compound. 5-9 leaflets, ovate, cuneate at base, dark green, petiole short and wider than americana
Buds & Stems: bud scar straight across at top. smaller & narrower than white ash, woolly. stout, rounded stems
Habit: irregular, upright spreading crown with dipping branches.
Bark: more plated than white ash
Fruit: single wing samaras in bunches
Notes: leaves less serrate than white ash
Betula papyrifera
paper or white birch
Leaves: Alternate, Simple. 2-4” ovate leaves with accuminate tip. coarsely double serrate. can have up to 3 leaves per bud spur
Buds & Stems: imbricate pointed ovate buds, brown-black. stems are reddish brown.
Habit: loosely pyramidal in youth, open roundish crown in maturity
Bark: distinctive chalky white peeling bark.
Fruit: long green pendulous hanging catkins, fruit a small nutlet
Notes: leaves are smaller and more coarsely serrate than other birches
Fagus sylvatica
European beech
Leaves:Alternate, Simple. ovate or elliptic, smooth margins, downy petiole
Buds & Stems: long slender brown buds
Habit: ranges from densely pyramidal to rounded, branches to the ground
Bark: elephantine smooth bark, usually darker than grandifolia
Fruit: triangular 4-lobed nut
Quercus velutina
black oak
Leaves: Alternate, Simple. pinnate venation, lobes have accuminate points, 7-9 per leaf. shape can vary widely.
Buds & Stems: imbricate, conate to oval buds. stout grayish toreddish brown stems
Habit: variable habit, irregular crown, 50-60’ avg height
Bark: dark brown to blackish, broken into rough irregular blocks. mature tree becomes darker, separates into irregular blocks
Fruit: acorn, scaled cap covers 1/2 of the nut
Quercus alba
white oak
Leaves: Simple, alternate. 5-9 rounded lobes, narrow cuneate base
Buds & Stems: small, blunt imbricate buds, reddish brown, slightly hairy. stout, brownish purple stems, sometimes covered in waxy grayish blooms
Habit: tall, upright rouded with wide-spreading branches.
Bark: light gray, young vertical strips turn to rectangular flattened blocks.
Fruit: acorn, egg shaped, bumpy raised scales on cap, covers 1/4 of nut
Liriodendron tulipifera
tulip poplar
Leaves: Alternate, Simple. broad, 4 lobed bright green. long petiole
Buds & Stems: valvate (edges meet w/o overlap) long duck bill shaped bud. greenish to reddish brown stems, covered w/ a bloom.
Habit: rounded with large branches
Bark: ash gray, closely spaced white or grayish vertical cracks develop into furrows between flat ridges, which become more rounded as the tree matures.
Fruit: conelike aggregate of samaras, persist through winter
Betula lenta
black birch
Leaves: Alternate, Simple glossy dark green. serrated glossy dark green, paler beneath w/ hairy veins
Buds & Stems: imbricate conical sharp pointed buds
Bark: young tree has dark reddish brown smooth bark with long horizontal lenticels. mature bark is dark gray and breaks into thick irregular plates. no peeling bark.
Fruit: long catkins, fruit a small winged nutlet
Notes: lighter leaf texture than alleghaniensis. stronger wintergreen taste in stems.
Prunus serotina
black cherry
Leaves: Alternate, Simple. glossy dark green, serrated, oblong shape, accuminate tip, cuneate at base
Buds & Stems: imbricate oval buds. twig has bitter almond taste
Habit: pyramidal in youth, oval headed in maturity
Bark: smooth reddish brown in youth, long, closely packed horizontal lenticels. bark breaks into scales turning darker in color, curling outwards. “burnt cornflakes”
Fruit & Flowers: hanging small fruits turn from red to black
Juglans cinerea
Leaves: Alternate, pinnately compound. 11-19 leaflets with terminal leaf. oblong and finely serrated
Buds & Stems: leaf scar has monkey face with a hairy brow. bluntpointed downy buds
Habit: long and horizontal
Bark: light gray and smooth with rusty brown vertical cracks. furrows deepen in between smooth vertical ridges
Fruit & Flowers: bright green male catkins, fruit is football shaped nut.
Tilia americana
American linden or basswood
Leaves: Alternate, simple. broad ovate leaf, cordate(heart) shaped base. dark green, coarsely serrate.
Buds & Stems: lateral divergent teardrop brown buds, stems smooth gray-brown to reddish
Habit: “sympodial” branches droop down then grow back upwards
Bark: light gray-brown, broken by vertical cracks. narrow furrows between intersecting ridges that curve around branches or old branch junctions
Fruit & Flowers: small nutlets hang outside leaflike structure
Juglans nigra
black walnut
Leaves: Pinnately Compound, alternate. terminal leaf not always present,
Buds & Stems: leaf scar similar to cinerea, no eyebrows.
Habit: loose canopy
Bark: light brown-grayish, flat topped ridges create intersecting furrows, often broken horizontally in y shapes
Fruit & Flowers: walnut case round green lime shaped
Notes: chemically alleopathic, prevents other plants from growing nearby. leaves smaller & less fuzzy than butternut