Week 20 Flashcards
- correlation of a person’s brain anatomy and skull shape with their behaviour/personality
- dividing the skull into sections of different psychological traits that are said to correlate to the brain + depending on the size of that region that determines how much of that trait you have as an individual
Modern methods for investigating the brain
- examining the effects of brain damage (brain injury/lesions or simulations in the lab, e.g. stimulating electrodes/TMS)
- physiology (recording electromagnetic activity of single of populations of neurons - EEG and MEG)
- imaging (visualising the structure and/or activity of neurons on the whole brain - neuronal staining techniques, MRI, CT/PET scans)
Natural brain injuries and lesions
- used to determine the correlation of the loss of a specific cognitive function with the area of brain damage
- e.g. Phineas Gage (frontal lobe damage); corpus callosotomy (split brain patients); Broca’s aphasia (link with Broca’s area to sentence structure processing)
Stimulating localised brain activity (invasive)
- in lab animals or open-brain surgery
- stimulating electrodes used to pierce the skull to activate certain areas of the brain
Stimulating localised brain activity (non-invasive)
- in healthy patients
- transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used to excite/inhibit neurons by externally applying time-varying electromagnetic fields generated by a coil located above the head
- used to induce a temporary “lesion” to see the outcome in a patient (e.g. see if inhibiting a certain brain region specifically inhibits a certain activity in a patient)
Single-cell recordings
- single neuron behaviour can be examined through the use of microelectrodes which impale the cells of interest
- a nano lead (a submicron scale electrode) is implanted into an intracellular axon or extracellular axon membrane
- records neural activity of a single neuron but doesn’t stimulate it
- e.g. single-cell recordings in hippocampus to see if cells respond to one single stimulus (such as a specific person)
Electroencephalography (EEG)
- used to measure electrical brain activity on the scalp (recording the electromagnetic activity of a population of neurons rather than just single ones)
- sensitive to postsynaptic dendritic currents generated by populations of neurons that are active in synchrony
- placement of electrodes on the scalp is frontal (F), central (C), parietal (P), occipital (O) and temporal (T)
- very strong time-based resolution (less than 1 ms) but a rather poor spatial resolution (as it is difficult to tell specifically where the sources of signals are within the brain)
- useful for diagnosing epilepsy (characterised by an abnormal spike and wave discharge)
- can also use EEGs to assess brain waves during a specific repeated cognitive task to assess event-related potentials to assign different cognitive domains to activities
EEG Rhythms (delta)
- 0.5-4 Hz
- most prominent frontally in adults and posteriorly in babies
- seen normally in babies and in sleeping adults
EEG Rhythms (theta)
- 4-7 Hz
- seen normally in young children
- in adults, seen in drowsiness or sleep arousal or meditation
- excess theta waves for your age represents abnormal activity (e.g. due to focal subcortical lesions)
EEG Rhythms (alpha)
- 8-12 Hz
- bilaterally in the posterior regions but higher on the dominant side
- emerges with closing of the eyes and with relaxation
- attenuates with eye opening or mental exertion
- abnormally diffused and not responsive to external stimuli alpha waves in a coma
EEG Rhythms (beta)
- 12-30 Hz
- most evident frontally
- linked to motor behaviour, attenuated during active movements
- absent or reduced in areas of cortical damage
- dominant rhythm in patients who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes open
EEG Rhythms (gamma)
- 30-100 Hz
- represent binding of different populations of neurons together into a network for the purpose of carrying out a certain cognitive or motor function
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
- recording of the magnetic fields produced by electrical currents in the brain using arrays of SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices)
- it is much more expensive but can be more reliably localised to sources within the brain (due to signal being unaffected by the skull, meninges etc. like EEGs are)
- also more sensitive to activity at sulci, whereas EEGs are sensitive to both sulci and gyri activity alike
Neuronal staining techniques
- in order to stain a slice, the brain cannot be alive (not useful for dynamic imaging)
- e.g. Golgi stain method: randomly stains 5% of neurons, making them visible against the background of neural “chaos”
- e.g. Myelin stains: taken up by fatty myelin that wraps around neurons and thus identifies neural pathways (by visualising white matter)
- e.g. Nissl stains: identify cell bodies of neurons (visualising gray matter)
Structural imaging
- uses the fact that different types of tissue (e.g. skull, gray matter etc.) have different physical properties in order to construct detailed static maps of the brain
- used to scan alive human brains to view dynamic images
- used to see what is going on in the brain but not too much is revealed about the specific function of different regions
CT (computerized tomography) scans
- contrast dye is injected into the blood with a series of X-rays sent out from different angles
- the X-rays are combined into a series of horizontal sections of the brain
- X-ray absorption varies with tissue density (bone absorbs most = white; CSF absorbs least = black; gray/white matter = grey)
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans
- a strong magnetic impulse is applied, with energy released by molecules in the tissue released as a result of the pulse being measured
- differently charged molecules respond differently to the pulses, hence the energy signals reveal brain structures with different molecular compositions (e.g. showing haemorrhage or tumour)
- brain images plotted with such measurements so more precise and detailed than CT scans
Functional imaging
measures neuronal activity (e.g. brain activity associated with cognitive processing)
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scans
- measures activation by detecting the increase in oxygen levels (active neurons consume more oxygen)
- also measures the ratio of deoxyhaemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin in the blood in different areas (BOLD/blood oxygen level dependent contrast response)
- change in BOLD response over time is known as the haemodynamic response function so you can localise active points (high spatial resolution)
- peaks 6-8 seconds after the stimulus event and is extended over time (limits the temporal resolution of fMRI for pinpointing the exact time of the activity)
- useful for cognitive research to pinpoint exact locations for brain activity (indicating active regions in a specific activitiy)
PET (positron emission tomography) scans
- measures local bloodflow into a brain region, measuring levels of glucose/fuel to the brain
- radioactive tracer injected into bloodstream
- slow technique with very imprecise temporal resolution (tracer takes up to 30 seconds to peak) but has good spatial resolution
- fMRI is better as it does not require radioactive tracer and PET scans have worse temporal and spatial resolution
- but PET is faster and sensitive to the whole brain (whereas fMRI such as near sinuses are harder to image)
Internal rhythms
- circannual (yearly) and circadian (daily) rhythms are endogenously generated, although can be modulated by external cues/zeitgebers like sunlight and temperature but also keep existing without these
- e.g. Mimosa plants still open and close their leaves in the same cycle as it does in darkness as it does in sunlight - suggesting rhythms are generated internally
- human body generates its own circadian cycles of activity and inactivity (including clear patterns of brain wave activity, hormone production, cell regeneration etc.)
Mechanisms of the biological clock
- when the brain is awake: neurons in the upper pons produce acetylcholine –> passed onto the thalamus (relay station) –> signals to cortex to maintain the brain in the conscious/awake state; also neurons in the pons produce noradrenlaine/dopamine etc. –> signals to hypothalamus –> signals distributed across cortical areas
- when the brain is tired: SCN in hypothalamus signals to activate VLPL neurons in thalamus –> GABA released and sent to hypothalamus and pons –> inhibits excitatory signals to the cortex –> cortex shuts down and loses consciousness (i.e. is asleep)
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
- present in the hypothalamus and termed the master clock
- main control centre of the circadian rhythms of sleep and temperature
- generates circadian rhythms even when disconnected from the rest of the brain/body
- modified donor rhythms persevere in the recipient’s brain (SCN by itself is sufficient to perserve its own properties)
- the SCN’s zeitgeber is light (provided by neurons in the retina) so that when a light stimulus is present this resets the body’s biological clock
- also SCN corresponds to pineal gland that secretes melatonin (that is also influenced by light hitting retinal neurons)
- used to study the stages of sleep
- EEG (brain wave activity) + eye tracking + breathing rate + amount of oxygen in the blood
Awake brain wave activity
dominated by beta waves
Drowsy/relaxed brain wave activity
dominated by alpha waves
Stage 1 sleep
- light sleep stage with fleeting thoughts
- slow eye movement and minimal muscle activity
- dominated by slower theta waves
Stage 2 sleep
- light sleep
- contains sleep spindles (0.5+ second long bursts of 10-15 Hz waves) and K-complexes (sharp biphasic waves)
Stage 3/4 sleep
- slow wave, deep sleep
- heart rate, breathing rate and temperature all go down (as does brain activity and muscle tone)
- hard to awake from this state
- dominated by slow high amplitude delta activity
REM sleep
- heart rate and blood pressure increase (as does brain activity, dreaming and partial paralysis)
- more brain activity than other sleep stages (activity in the pons, limbic system, parietal/temporal cortex, amygdala - quite involved during threatening/stressful situations; but decrease in PFC - less involvement of planning and executing actions in a sensible way, motor cortex and primary visual cortex)
- REM sleep begins with PGO waves (transmitted from pons to lateral geniculate nucleus in occipital lobe)
- dominated by sawtooth/alpha-like waves
- considered an altered state of consciousness (a form of experience that departs significantly from the normal subjective experience of the world and the mind)
- feeling emotion more intensely, dream thought is illogical, however we experience uncritical acceptance and also have difficulty remembering the dream when it is over
- hypnagogic state = presleep consciousness
- hypnopompic state = postsleep consciousness
Activation-synthesis hypothesis (dreams)
- believes that dreams are the brain’s attempts to make sense of the information reaching it (mind attempts to make sense of random neural activity during sleep)
- based mostly on the haphazard input originating in the pons
Neurocognitive hypothesis (dreams)
- believes that dreams originate mostly from the brain’s own motivations, memories and arousal
- the stimulation often produces peculiar results as it does not have to compete with normal visual input and does not get organised by the PFC
Brain arousal systems
- pontemescenphalon, hypothalamus and basal forebrain (contain neurons that promote wakefulness and others that promote sleep)
- locus coeruleus is active in response to meaningful events (facilitates attention and new learning)
- orexin (maintains wakefulness and is released in the lateral and posterior nuclei of the hyopthalamus)
- during sleep, enhanced GABA release limits neuronal activity and blocks the spread of activation
Sleep cycles throughout the night
- throughout the night, there are typically five 90 min long sleep cycles of non-REM and REM sleep
- non-REM proportion is higher in the early hours (11pm-3am) and REM sleep increases across the course of the night (3am-7am)
Pattern of sleep across different ages
- newborns (very little time in awake state, high level of REM sleep may help brain development)
- children (more time in slow-wave sleep than adults, intensity of this electrical activity is linked to how well they learn)
- teenagers (reduced REM sleep, a lack of slow-wave sleep can hamper learning ability)
- adults (awake for longer throughout the day, reduced REM sleep, slow-wave sleep declines as the ageing brain loses gray matter from the medial frontal cortex, making adults less able to lay down new memories)
Sleep deprivation
- affects thermoregulation (over or underheating of body temperature occurs)
- immune system (initial response to disease and restoration are disrupted)
- metabolism (conversion of stored resources into energy is impaired)
- memory (sleep is critical for integrating memories into an ordered framework and assimilating new memories with older semantic knowledge; shown that place cells show an exact memory replay of an event that occurred during the day being repeated during sleep to consolidate it)
- e.g. total sleep deprivation (TSD) in rats - all TSD rats died within 11-32 days, showed to have a debilitated appearance and lack of immune response, weight loss etc.
- non-REM sleep deprivation leads to impairment of declarative memory; whereas REM sleep deprivation leads to impaired consolidation of learned motor skills
Irregular sleep
- too short + long sleep and sleep issues are associated with poorer cognitive function
- sleep deprivation decreases attention and working memory, especially vigilance but also auditory and visuospatial attention and reaction time tasks
- inadequate sleep may be due to shifts in circadian rhythm (e.g. trying to sleep whilst body temp rises)
- estimated prevalence in 10-35% of the population in Western Europe
- may also be due to noise, stress, pain, diet, medication etc.
Sleep apnea
- inability to breathe during sleep
- leads to sleepiness during the day, impaired attention, depression and sometimes heart issues
- frequent unexpected periods of sleepiness during the day (REM sleep intruding into wakefulness)
- caused by lack of hypothalamic cells that produce and release orexin
- treated with stimulant drugs (e.g. Ritalin)
Periodic limb movement disorder
- repeated involuntary limb movements that can cause insomnia and mostly occur during non-REM sleep
REM behaviour disorder
- vigorous movement during REM periods leading to acting out during dreams
- inability to paralyse limbs that normally happens during REM sleep
Night terrors
abrupt, anxious awakening from non-REM sleep
- normally occurs in deep sleep stages 3/4 early in the night
- more common in children but can occur in adults suffering from sleep deprivation or stress
Differences in sleep across species
- all mammals and birds need sleep
- some utilise unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (e.g. dolphins so they can still resurface regularly to breathe) but it is mainly bihemispheric
- fish, reptiles and amphibians have periods of inactivity
- for most animals, sleep conserves energy during times when the animal is in an inactive period
- animals increase sleep during food shortages (hibernation)
Auditory system
- primary domain for two sensory experiences most uniquely human (speech/language and music)
- how the brain translates sensory information into a perceptual representation of our environment
- the periodic compressions of air, water or another medium
- in some spaces, air is rarefied and in other it is compressed
- bouncing back of sound waves is called echo
- hearing is the detection of sounds and constructing a model of the world based on this
- especially in a noisy environment, many sounds overlap at one time so the brain needs to use incoming sensory input and prior knowledge about sounds to separate them into different streams
Auditory cortex
- located in the temporal lobe in Heschl’s gyrus (Brodmann’s areas 41 & 42)
- right hemisphere specialises in rhythmic sound and music; left hemisphere specialises in language
Perception of sound
- outer ear (pinna) first captures the sound and amplifies it by funneling it into the smaller auditory canal
- middle ear contains the eardrum which collects the tiny vibrations
- eardrum transmits the vibrations to the ossicles (hammer, anvil and stirrup)
- their lever action transfers the vibration to the cochlea, via the oval window
- vibrations bend the hair cells on the Organ of Corti (3 rows of OHCs and 1 row of IHCs)
- this opens potassium and calcium channels to depolarise cells and set off signals in the neurons
- exciting cells of the auditory nerve (part of the 8th cranial nerve)
Auditory pathway
- signal is first carried from the ear along auditory nerve
- first relay is the ispalateral cochlear nuclei in the brainstem
- here signal is decoded based on duration, intensity and frequency and most of the signal crosses over to the contralateral side of the brain
- second relay in the brainstem is the superior olivary nucleus in the pons
- third relay is in the inferior colliculus of the midbrain
- final relay occurs in the medial geniculate body of the thalamus
- then projects into the auditory cortex
Sound intensity
- corresponds to how much air fluctuation (compression/rarefraction) a sound creates, i.e. the energy in the sound
- e.g. large vibration of speaker –> creates a lot of energy –> intense (loud) sound
- also correlates to amplitude
- intensity is measured in decibels (logarithmic scale)
- there is a non-linear correspondence between intensity and loudness (so we can determine whether a sound is louder or quieter but not whether it is exactly twice as loud etc.)
- intensity is encoded by neuron firing rate within the auditory cortex (neurons fire more frequently as sound intensity grows)
Hearing loss above what intensity
90 dB
Sound frequency
- correlates to the number of air compression/rarefraction cycles per second that the object creates
- perceptual correlate is pitch (but again there is not a linear correspondence)
- in reality, most sounds we hear our complex tones (combinations of many frequencies)
Encoding frequency
- frequency is encoded by the Place code (different locations in the cochlea have different elasticity in the basilar membrane so correspond to different sound frequencies) –> tonotopic organism
- cells close to the apex respond to very low sounds; nearer the base respond to very high sounds
- primary auditory cortex is also tonotopically organised to correspond to the cochlea (more anterior = lower pitch; more posterior = higher pitch)
- for sounds < 200 Hz: lower frequencies are encoded by firing of individual neurons (temporal coding) and intensity is encoded by number of firing neurons (spatial coding)
Normal human hearing range
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Stereophonic hearing
- the placement of our ears on opposite sides of our head
- due to timing/intensity difference of sound reaching each ear we can perceive the location of sound
- also integrate this with visual orienting (produce an enhanced percept of a situation)
Conductive hearing loss
- results from damage to the ear drum or ossicles in the middle ear
- failure to transmit sound waves to the cochlea
- can be corrected by medication (e.g. if due to inflammation of the middle ear), surgery or sound amplication from hearing aids or bone conduction
Bone conduction
- sound is used to vibrate the mastoid bone
- cochlea receives the vibrations and turns them into electric signals to pass to the auditory cortex as usual
- allows hearing issues in outer or middle ear to be bypassed
Sensorineural hearing loss
- damage to part of the cochlea/hair cells of the inner ear
- can be conginetal, as a result of disease or by repeated exposure to loud noises
- can be corrected by cochlear implants
Cochlear implants
- surgically implanted electronic devices which receive sound signals via a microphone and digitally convert them to coded electrical signals
- communication coil used to transmit these signals through the skin to the implant
- electrical pulses transmitted along the electrode array to stimulate specific locations on the cochlea (for frequency perception as normal)
- delivers signals to auditory nerve and interpreted as sound by the auditory cortex
- sound perception within the ear in the absence of external input
- can be ringing due to abnormal patterns of activity sent to the brain by a damaged ear (e.g. due to ageing, sound damage) –> cured by surgically severing the auditory nerve that corresponds to the ringing frequencies
- or ringing can be caused by activity in the auditory cortex even in the absence of sound –> not curable surgically, but CBT can be used to help patients ignore the sound
Auditory hallucinations
- MRI activations during auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia show ventricular enlargement
- also fMRI shows changes in brain activity even in absence of external input within the right inferior colliculus, right superior temporal gyrus (primary auditory cortex) and right thalamus
- can also be caused by brain damage (e.g. Shostakovich had damage to left temporal lobe so heard random sounds which inspired his music)
Perfect pitch
ability to name and reproduce a musical note without external reference
Relative pitch
ability to identify intervals between given tones
Amusia (tone deafness)
- present in birth in 4% of the population or acquired as a result of brain lesions
- receptive: inability to recognise familar melodies, read musical notes and detect out of tune notes
- expressive: lack of ability to sing, write musical notes and play an instrument