week 2 topics Flashcards
Psychocative Drugs
A chemical (that isn’t food, air or water) that is not naturally found in the body, or administered is larger doses than normally found, that alter mind and behavior
Drug Misuse
periodic or occasional improper or inappropirate use of social or prescription drug
Drug Abuse
any instance of drug administration that is disapproved by the society in which it occurs; use of any drug to the extent that it interferes with a persons health, economic or social adjustment
Drug Abuser
anyone who persistently consumes a subtance to an extent that it impairs their quality of life in some way
A bio-psycho-social phenomenon; a multi-facted process of drug dependency
Physical dependency
physiological state of cellular adaptation that occues when the body becomes accustomed to a drug that it can only function normally when the drug is present
Psychological dependency (behavioral or emotional)
may range from mild to compelling emotional need for periodic or continual use of a drug - such as an individual believing that they cannot funciton without it
negative bodily reaction i.e. physical distubance or illness that occurs during the process of ceasing to take a dug
Why is compulsive behavior not an addiction
there is no psychoactive change to the brain, there is a different treatment approach and a different treatment system
What are the Psychoactive drug groupings (5)
Depressants, opiods, stimulants, hallucinogens, psychotherapeutic agents
produce a reduction of arousal and activity in the CNS (benzodiazepines, barbituates, alcohol, solvents, antihistamines)
specific subgroup of CNS depressants that are able to mask pain and suppress a cough. Opioids mimic endorphin neurotransmiters (codeine, morphine, oxycontin, heroin, methadon)
produce a general increase in the activity of cerebral cortex, creating mood elevation, increased vigilance and postponement of fatigue.
psychoactive agents that produce a generalized disruption in the brain, especially of perception, cognition and mood (LSD, ecstasy, ketamine, cannabis)
psychotherapeutic agents
acts on the CNS to affect mood and behavior; most frequently used to treat people with specific forms of mental illness & produce negative side effects (antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers)
Fundamental Neurotransmitters (7)
dopamine | endocannabinoids | endorphins | GABA | glutamate | norepinephrine | serotonin
examination of what drugs to do the body (tolerance & withdrawal)
body’s adaptation to the presense of a drug, resulting in a loss of sensitivity to it; requires increased amounts to produce the same outscome. (dispositional or funcitonal)
negative bodily reaction (physical illness or disturbance) that occues during process of cessation
how the drug is administered, absorbed, distributed, metabolized and eliminated from the body
Oral Administration
Example: alcohol. Advantage: convenient. Disadvantage: slow (30 - 60 min)
Inhalation administration
Example: nicotine. Advantage: fast (8 second) Disadvantage: damage to lungs
Intravenous Injection administration
Ex: Heroin. Advantage: fast (15 sec). Disadvantage: Overdose, infections
Mucous membrane administration
Ex: cocaine. Advantage: convenient (1-2 min). Disadvantage: tissue damage