Week 2 - Species Differences in Oestrus Cycle Flashcards
State the average Length of Oestrus cycle for (days):
- Cow
- Ewe
- Sow
- Mare
- Bitch
about 210
State the average duration of Oestrus for:
- Cow
- Ewe
- Sow
- Mare
- Bitch
5-18 hours
24-36 hours
48-72 hours
4-8 days
7-14 days
For Cow:
How long is oestrus?
- When do they ovulate?
- Why does this make mating timing easy?
- Why does the length of oestrus make cows difficult?
5-18 hours
12 hours after oestrus
mate at oestrus or a few hours later
there is a very small window to detect oestrus
State the average timing of ovulation for:
- Cow
- Ewe
- Sow
- Mare
- Bitch
12 hours after end of oestrus
30-36 hours from beginning of oestrus
35-45 hours form beginning of oestrus
1-2 days before end of oestrus
often 2 days after onset of standing oestrus
For Ewe:
- How long is oestrus?
- When do they ovulate?
- Why are ewes generally easy to inseminate? (2)
- What are the biggest problems for inseminating ewes? (2)
24-36 hours
30-36 hours from beginning of oestrus
they can be mated throughout oestrus
ram can run with ewes so ram is detecting oestrus
getting the correct ram to ewe ratio
identifying mated ewes
For Mare:
- How long is oestrus?
- When do they ovulate?
- Why are Mares problematic for optimising mating time? (2)
- Therefore, what is normal practice for mating mares? (3)
- Give an example of a Clinical tool that can be used to check for the optimum time to mate
4-8 days
1-2 days before end of oestrus
the length of oestrus is variable and we don’t know how long it will be until it has ended
and they ovulate during oestrus
tease mare with a less valuable stallion daily to detect oestrus
use clinical tools to determine optimum time to mate
start mating from onset of oestrus signs
ultrasounding the ovaries
For Sow:
- How long is oestrus?
- When do they ovulate?
- Why is oestrus detection so important for sows?
- When after oestrus detection would we mate them?
- If artificially inseminating, how many rounds would we do?
48-72 hours
35-45 hours
because the sow and boar are housed separately
so sow must be presented to boar for mating
one day after oestrus
For Bitch:
- How long is oestrus?
- When do they ovulate?
- Why is it important to detect oestrus?
- What clinical tools do we use to detect oestrus? (2)
7-14 days
often 2 days after onset of standing oestrus
because oestrus cycle is 210 days long
so next fertile window could be over 200 days away
vaginal cytology
plasma progesterone concentration
Oestrus Behaviour in Cows:
- When does 70% of their oestrus behaviour occur?
- When would be a bad time to be observing for oestrus behaviour in cows? (2)
at night
when bringing them in for milking
when feeding
Oestrus Behaviour in Cows:
- State the gold standard for detecting oestrus and the optimal time to mate in cows
- State other signs of oestrus and when they are likely to be displayed (5)
standing to be mounted by another cow or bull
mounting other cows
- coming into heat and standing heat
reduced yield of milk
chin pressing
- mostly coming into heat
swelling of vulva, mucous discharge
- coming into heat, standing heat, going out of heat
Oestrus Detection in Cows:
- Give details of 3 ways of detecting oestrus in cows
observing cows at least 4 times a day for 30 minutes a time
using detection aids that change appearance when another cow mounts
electronic aids monitoring cow movements
Oestrus Behaviour in Cows:
- State the name of a key indicator, commonly displayed by bull, that the cow is in oestrus?
- Explain it (2)
flehmen reaction
curling of the lip
to present all the pheromones to the vomeronasal organs
Oestrus Detection in Cows:
State factors that might inhibit oestrus behaviour (7)
hard slippery floors
high environmental temperatures
high milk yield
recent stress
Oestrus Detection in Cows:
What clinical assessments would suggest a cow is in oestrus?
low plasma or milk progesterone
ultrasonography showing a large dominant follicle and no corpus luteum
Oestrus Detection in Cows:
- How can you make oestrus detection easier?
- how does it work?
- Give 2 benefits of it
synchronising ovulation with ovsynch
giving GnRH and progesterone
so we know when ovulation is going to occur
it almost removes the need for oestrus detection
it reduces the time from calving to oestrus detection
Oestrus Detection in Ewe:
- Give common oestrus behaviours (6)
- in an AI set up, how would you detect oestrus?
stands for ram
waggles tail
moves tail laterally to allow mating
swollen vulva
vulval discharge
use a vasectomised ram with a raddle
Oestrus Detection in Sow:
The time from weaning to coming into oestrus is very consistent in sow
- how long is it?
- When should you NOT observe for oestrus?
- How often should you observe for oestrus?
5-7 days
when feeding
multiple times a day
Oestrus Detection in Sow:
Give common signs of oestrus in sow
- If using AI, how far apart should you give the AI rounds?
stands firmly to be mounted
swollen red vulva prior to oestrus
12-24 hours apart
Oestrus Detection in Mare:
- Why is it so important to accurately detect oestrus in mares (in terms of safety)?
- The presence of what factor can minimise oestrus signs?
- Give typical signs of oestrus (6)
because a mare not in oestrus can lead to damage of the stallion
a foal
swollen vulva
vulval discharge
elevated tail
spreading of hindlimbs
winking (repeated exposure of clitoris)
flehmen reaction from stallion
Oestrus Detection in Mare:
- Clinically, what are we looking for in a clinical assessment to determine the mare is in oestrus? (3)
a large follicle of more than 20mm
absence of corpus luteum
thickened follicle wall
Oestrus Detection in Bitch:
- How long is Pro-oestrus in Bitch?
- What behaviour do you expect during this period?
- What clinical signs do you expect during this period? (2)
about 9 days
the bitch is attractive but will not allow mating
swollen vulva
red serosanguinous discharge
Oestrus Detection in Bitch:
- How long is the Oestrus period in Bitches?
- Give signs of being in oestrus (4)
about 9 days
stands to be mated
deviation of tail
discharge becomes paler
reduction in vulval swelling
Oestrus Detection in Bitch:
If assessing Oestrus Clinically-
We can do Vaginal cytology or Plasma concentration of progesterone
- What are we looking to detect in Plasma Progesterone conc that is different from other species?
a rise in progesterone that precedes ovulation
Oestrus Detection in Queen:
- What type of Ovulation is the Queen?
- Give signs of oestrus (6)
induced ovulation
increased vocalisation
rubbing and rolling
stands to be mated by lowering front quarters
tail erect and deviated
increased activity
possible vulval discharge