Week 2 - Reproduction in Birds - COMPLETE *** FOR REVISION PERIOD Flashcards
revision summary
Male Reproductive Tract: Describe the appearance of the Testes 2
the left testis is larger than the right testis
they increase in size when sexually active
Male Reproductive Tract: Where are they located? 2
cranioventral to the first lobe of the kidney
Male Reproductive Tract: Describe the structure of the duct system
the epididymis is small
the ductus deferens is highly coiled and terminates in the urodeum of papilla
Male Reproductive Tract: Give differences in reproductive tract appearance between breeding and non breeding males 3
increase in size
colour change from yellow to white
ductus deferens become more convoluted
Male Reproductive Tract: How is semen transferred during sexual contact?
by cloaca to cloaca contact
Female Reproductive Tract: Are both ovaries functional? 2
the left ovary is functional
the right ovary will become activated if the left ovary is removed
Female Reproductive Tract: Describe the appearance of a bird ovary 2
looks like a bunch of grapes
Female Reproductive Tract: How does follicle maturation work?
in a hierarchy system
Female Reproductive Tract: Describe the different follicles present on the female ovary at any one time 3
10 yolky follicles
large number of small yellow follicles
large number of smaller white follicles
Female Reproductive Tract: How are the avian follicles different from other species?
they have no zona pellucida
Female Reproductive Tract: After ovulation of a follicle, what happens to the remains of the follicle? 3
it forms a thin walled sac
made of granulose cells
secreting non-steroid hormones
Female Reproductive Tract: Which hormone is responsible for follicular growth?
- What hormones do the follicles produce and from where?
oestradiol form theca cells and interstitial cells
progesterone from granulose cells
Female Reproductive Tract: How does Oestradiol contribute to the preparation for egg laying? 4
stimulates synthesis of calcium ATPase in shell gland
stimulates production of very low density lipoproteins in the liver to be transported to the ovary as the precursor of yolk
stimulates the oviduct to enlarge
increase in comb size, plumage and sexual receptivity
Female Reproductive Tract: Hormonally, how does the Avian Oestrus cycle differ from the mammalian cycle? 2
progesterone and LH are high prior to ovulation
the high progesterone is the trigger for LH release and therefore ovulation
Female Reproductive Tract: At during ovulation, what is happening hormonally in terms of amount of different hormones being secreted? 2
granulose cells secrete more progesterone
theca cells produce less oestradiol
Female Reproductive Tract: Describe the positive feedback loop of progesterone int he lead up to the LH surge and ovulation 3
progesterone has a positive feedback effect on the hypothalamus
so more gnrh is secreted
and more lH is secreted from the pituitary gland
Female Reproductive Tract: What is the Open period?
- How long is it approximately?
- What is the relevance of this period?
- Is a corpus luteum formed?
the window of time for LH release
8-10 hours between onset of darkness and 1 hour after light onset
if the F1 follicle produces enough progesterone during this period it will lead to the LH surge and ovulation
Female Reproductive Tract: Where does fertilisation occur of an ovulated oocyte?
- What is this?
in the infundibulum
the first chamber of the oviduct
Female Reproductive Tract: give a pathology due to the infundibulum failing to catch the ovulated oocyte
- Describe the pathology
- What are some of the causes? 3
egg peritonitis
the yolk is free in the coelomic cavity causing inflammation
oviduct pathology
Female Reproductive Tract: How long is the sperm stored and viable for after mating?
- How is it released after ovulation? 2
10-14 days
the sperm are squeezed out of the sperm storage tubules on egg laying
they migrate and fertilise another egg
Infundibulum: What does it secrete?
- What is the function of this?
- How long is the egg here?
to hold the yolk in position during development
1 hour
Female Reproductive Tract: What is the chamber after the Infundibulum in the oviduct?
- What happens here?
- How long does the egg spend here?
the magnum
albumin is laid down around the oocyte
3 hours
Female Reproductive Tract: What chamber comes after the Magnum?
- What happens here?
- How long does the egg spend here?
the inner and outer shell membranes are deposited
1-1.5 hours
Female Reproductive Tract: What section comes after the Isthmus?
- What happens here? 2
- How long does the egg spend here?
shell gland (uterus)
calcium carbonate is added
pigment may be added
20 hours
Female Reproductive Tract: After leaving the shell gland, where does the egg go?
- What is the function of this section?
- How long does it spend here?
the vagina
seconds to hours
How long does it take for an egg to be laid after ovulation?
- After oviposition, how long before another ovulation?
24-26 hours
15-75 minutes
What does some species feed their young?
- Why is it good for them?
crop milk
it is high in protein and fat
how do you deal with a broody hen? 4
leave her to it
she will come out of it within 3 weeks
ensure she drinks and eats
create a broody enclosure
Give one environmental factor that is important in avian reproduction
- what 2 types of birds do you get?
- How does this work
daylight length
continuous breeders and seasonal breeders
the encephalic photoreceptors capture fluorescent incandescent light through eyes and skull
Sex Determination: State the 2 gametes
- What game can the sperm have?
- What gamete can the egg have?
- Therefore, which component determines sex?
- What is the genotype for a male?
- what is the genotype for a female?
Z and W
only Z
Z or W
the egg
State 6 ways of sexing a bird
DNA test blood during nail clipping
faecal steroids
vent sexing
endoscopic sexing to view a testis or ovary
instrument sexing
auto sexing using colour and feathers